10 . the calm before the storm

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Mikayla laughed a bit as Niko stumbled over his pants as he got undressed.

"You didn't see that," he said, face blooming in red.

"Oh, but I did."

He lunged at her. She shrieked first in fear, but then in laughter as he tickled her ruthlessly. "You didn't see anything?"

"Okay - fine! Nothing, I saw nothing!" she panted as he sank beside her, taking her into his arms. Her stomach tossed and turned nervously as he held her, burying his face into her shoulder.

"I'm proud of you," he said.

That statement did things to her. When's the last time she heard that? And by who? Maybe an elementary school teacher, but never someone important to Mikayla.

"Shouldn't we go to breakfast?" she muttered, involuntarily relaxing and sinking into the bedsheets.

"No, today's gonna be for us."

Mikayla was sinking.


Hugh seemed a bit stressed about something, from the way he paced and rubbed his chin in thought before dinner. Mikayla knew better than to ask, but she worried this bad mood might translate from irritation to anger. And if Hugh was angry, then Niko and Arthur might be, and the women would pay the price.

Things had been good lately. There was not much to do besides standard chores, and it was relaxing to say the least.

Gone were the days of endless lectures, threatening deadlines, and constant anxiety.  Life with Rosemary, Eve, and even Niko had been ingrained into Mikayla's brain. She wasn't starting to see herself as a prisoner. And reminding herself of the fact became harder and harder with each day.

"How's the baby, Rosemary?" Mikayla asked as she placed down a fruit salad for them to snack on.

Rosemary, traced the lines on the dining table idly, "he's fine, but I think he's ready to come out."

"That's so exciting! Babies are kinda cool."

"They're kind of," Rosemary popped a grape into her mouth, "a lot of work. Before and after they're born."

"Oh, don't you worry," Even said happily, "Kayla will know all about it soon enough."

Mikayla's hand subconsciously went down to her stomach. Would she know about it? It's been a while since she had her period, but Mikayla never bothered to keep track. She supposed a part of her always wanted children, but she didn't know how she'd do it, or if her partner would want kids herself.

Niko did though, didn't he? They had been trying, so it was only a matter of time.

"Oh, imagine it girls," Eve sighed dreamily, "holding that little baby in your arms the first time. It's magical."

Rosemary glared at the wall a bit, panting. Mikayla looked down and saw liquid.

"I guess I'll know soon enough," Rosemary commented dryly.


How had it already been nine months? What the fuck? There was no way. Mikayla couldn't believe it. That aura of peacefulness had been broken when Rosemary went into labor, as did her spell.

The realization was almost immediate. She had been missing for months and no one had came. No one was looking for her. She had no one.

A hand grabbed hers, and Mikayla softened upon seeing it belonged to Rosemary. "You're going to do great," she assured the other woman as Eve ran around frantically collecting things to assist the labor. As Mikayla led Rosemary upstairs, she passed by the old clock hanging on the wall and smiled. "Arthur will be home soon, okay Rosemary?"

"God," she said, "things could go so so bad Mikayla, you have no idea."

"I know it's bad that we aren't doing this in a hospital but I'm sure it'll go great."

Rosemary laughed as she threw herself onto hers and Arthur's bed. "God you're so stupid."

"I'll pass that off as just the pain of labor and not you being rude," Mikayla joked as Eve rushed in. Rosemary held herself up on her hands, on all fours as Eve discarded her skirt and looked down.

"Get comfortable Rosemary, we'll be here a while."

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