08 . he loved her

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Tonight. Tonight, tonight, tonight.

"Mikayla please be attentive," Eve chastised. "The oven has been going off and you're just staring at it. Get the meat out. The men wouldn't want it to burn."

Cussing and rambling in her head, Mickey obeyed. The meat bubbled and glistened within the pan, its scent drifting to her nose and making her mouth water. As much as she hated it here, she didn't hate the food. The meat was sweeter than most, and chewy, Mickey wondered what it was. Duck or deer had always been a thought, or rather anything found in the forest. Maybe she'd get permission to ask Niko, anything to distract them from tonight.

He would rape her tonight.

The three women made quick work of setting the table. It was an obnoxiously repetitive routine that Mickey detested. One that made it so easy for her thoughts to wander, always coming back to tonight.

'Don't remind yourself,' she scolded in her head.

How could she get out of it? Mickey had all dinner to ponder and plot it, but nothing came. Would overpowering Niko even be a possibility? He did physical labor everyday, and she was a lanky college student who classified exercise as walking to class. Even if she did miraculously overpower him, Arthur and Hugh were right there to push her back down again. It was hopeless.

She needed to escape. But she couldn't do it by tonight. Mickey had to endure.

Dinner came and went much too fast for her liking. Niko wasn't even trying to hide his rushing as he scarfed down dinner. Eve scolded him, but was hushed by Hugh. He stared at her, grinning, almost pridefully. Was this a sick right of passage for these freaks? Coming of age? Mickey glared at her plate like it personally offended her, no matter how slowly she ate, the food was still gone. She tried to collect plates to clean up, but Niko was faster.

"Don't worry about it."

'I have more important things to worry about.'


They got ready for bed in silence, as they always did, neither were much for chit chat. But Mickey would do anything to distract for this. Her hands trembled and fumbled she quickly buttoned up her night shirt. Facing the wall, she was startled when hands tell on her waist. Niko placed his lips on her neck. Mickey tentatively tried to shrug him off, but he didn't budge. She released a sigh, which only seemed to encourage him.

His kisses on her neck were getting more aggressive, Mickey scoffed inwardly. 'Sorry, no matter what you do, I won't like it. You're still a man.'

She let out a tiny giggle, and then a snort, then she burst into laughter. Instead of a woman, she was gonna lose her virginity to a man. How absurd.

"What's so funny?" he asked, squinting and huffing in annoyance. She only laughed harder. Mickey gasped when he pinched her upper arm, and grabbed her by the neck. Her laughter never faded faster. He pushed her to the bed, face down.

"Niko, Niko, please," she whined as he pulled his shorts down.

"I don't know why you find this funny, it's a natural thing wives and husbands do."

"I am not your fucking wife!" she screamed into the pillow.

A burning sensation spread from her stomach out as he pushed in, violating the most sensitive part of her. It was painful. He was awkward about it, not particularly rough. But with each thrust, her dignity chipped off piece by piece. Killing her from the inside out. It didn't even feel good.

'I don't hate it because he's my kidnapper, it's just because he's bad at sex regardless,' she joked in her head. That was the best she could do to rationalize as she sobbed into the sheets. Unbeknownst to Mickey, she was cracking.


"I'm sorry."

Mickey turned her back on him. Stilling and whimpering when he placed a hand on her back, trying to comfort her after the event. "It shouldn't have gone like that, it should have went differently," Niko said.

'It shouldn't have happened at all.'

There never would've been a thought of this crossing her mind had Mickey stayed at college. She should have just stayed in her fucking dorm.

"As your husband I'm supposed to do these things. You need to understand, I know it's weird for you, but its how it is for me."

He left her alone the rest of the night. And to ignore the aching between her legs, Mickey contemplated his words. Looking at it logically, Niko didn't really know any better, did he? He was raised this way, wasn't able to be taught morals of the outside world, in fact he was just as brainwashed as Mickey was expected to be. So, was it really his fault?

He didn't know any better. Niko thought this was what husbands and wives were supposed to do. He thought he was treating her right. In his mind, he was treating her right. Because he loved her.

Niko loved her.

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