00 . mickey had dreams

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She always imagined she'd love college life. Perhaps not the grueling long class sessions or the amount of homework. Not the people, either, no. If anything, the young adults there behaved more like preschoolers than people ready to face the world. These weren't the things she looked forward to. She loved what came with college. What she gained upon enrollment.


There were no rules that would personally restrict her, no pestering social workers asking how she was monthly, she would be truly alone. Just how Mickey liked it.

Since she was no longer a minor, nobody was legally obligated to look after her. Free to do as she wished, Mickey spent her time crowding parks and libraries with her presence. Sure she could party her 20's away, hell, that'd be the easier and more thrilling option, but Mickey had dreams. Once she got past sophomore year, then junior, and senior at her low budget university, she'd get a job. Her business major and english minor would surely help. Maybe she'd start a business or find a company willing to take her in. Her education and grades weren't Harvard level or anything, but it was enough.

She'd get somewhere in life.

Something special was coming her way, Mickey just knew it.

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