02 . she didn't want a husband

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'Oh, fuck, no. I'm not ready at all.'

Mickey cried quietly as Hugh bounced out the room, with enough excitement for the both of them. Should she try to escape now? No, he'd be bringing another man to her. Fear crawled up her spine, gripping her neck and choking her. She distracted herself by looking out the window, the sun hit her eye and she grimaced. She didn't notice the farm. How long had she been out? five hours? ten?

A knock came from behind the door. Mickey wanted to laugh as she wiped her tears furiously, now they had some manners, after kidnapping her and all. The door opened slowly, Hugh held his arm out as though presenting the two to each other like it was a TV show. The man who was supposed to be her husband was tall, hovering around the door as he looked at her blankly.

"She's pretty, Dad."

Hugh laughed, slapping his son on the back, ultimately pushing him closer to her.

"Hey, I'm Nikolas, you can call me Niko, what's your name?" Nikolas asks, he shuffled a bit, staring at her. Mickey's eyes dart between him and his father before sighing in defeat.

"Call me Mickey," she muttered.

"Mickey? That's a boys name," he said, flabbergasted before looking to Hugh as though he had some explanation for her damn name.

"Full name is Mikayla, don't know why she goes by that. Don't worry about it, Niko."

She scowled.

"Oh, okay. I'm gonna call you Kayla," Nikolas turned to her, still talking to Hugh,"I hope she's good, don't wanna punish her any."

"You'll have to, boy. The girls don't understand right away."

"Still -"

"Nikolas,"  Hugh said. Mickey shrank back even though his glare wasn't directed at her. 'Manners,' she inwardly scoffed.

The young man stole a glance at her as his shoulders sagged. "Whatever. Kayla, let's go downstairs so you can meet Momma and the others."

Mickey felt a few more tears slip down her face at the thought of there being more of these people. God, how much more fluids did she have to spare before her eyes dried up like the dessert? Nikolas ignored her flinch as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her upward.

"It's good you're quiet, I guess," he mused, "I wonder how long that'll last."

Mickey wanted to do nothing more on that moment but scream.

There were two women and one man downstairs. The first of the two woman was younger, as well as the man, not much older than her she guessed, the other woman was older, Momma. That woman squealed in glee almost childishly at the sight of her. Mickey's eyes twitched towards the door, but Nikolas' hand went to wrap tightly around her arm. He wasn't stupid, it seemed.

"Here's my girl, Kayla."

She was forced into a seat, Nikolas beside her. Across from him was the other man, across from her the younger woman, who was staring dully at the table. 'Was she kidnapped too?'

Momma sat at the end of the table and Hugh the front, she wondered if the same thing happened to her with Hugh's father. Mickey gripped the ends of her chair so that the wood dug into her palm to keep her from running.

"She's so beautiful, Hugh, you did so good with our little boy."

"Yeah, hopefully she's behaved like Rosemary was. She's got an expectation to look up to. You too, Niko."

Mickey stared at the girl across from her.

"Arthur just got lucky her girl was already broken in when he got her," Nikolas replied.

Arthur kissed Rosemary's temple proudly, she didn't look up.

Pity swelled in Mickey's chest as her face hardened.

"Well, we already stayed a little past breakfast waiting for Mikayla to wake up. Girls, I expect you'll teach her the rules in time for supper."

She felt a hand pat her thigh. "Please be good for my Momma and Rosemary, I'll be back from work soon," Nikolas said in what she assumed was a comforting manner. 'Don't come back, never fucking come back,' she thought bitterly.

The men left out the door one by one, ignoring her stare as thought heaven was behind it. Momma got up, whispering to Rosemary before clapping her hands.

"Well, it's a good thing we already cleaned up breakfast. I have to clean upstairs but after that me and my new daughter will bond. Rosemary, watch her."

Mickey scoffed as Momma bounced up the stairs quickly. Was she a goddamn house pet? Maybe. Once the older woman had robotically hopped up the stairs with a bundle of cleaning supplies in her arms, Mickey turned to the door. She waited a second, then another, and another.

With hell practically on her heels, she ran to the door and gripped the knob, twist, click. It was locked, obviously. Mickey let out a shrill scream, dry throat begging for mercy as she begged for someone outside to help her, fists frantically pounding away at the door as she wailed. For as terribly dehydrated as she was, tears still came from her eyes. Her head and heart pounded.

"Please, please, help me, please -"

"Won't you shut up already? give it a rest."

Mickey's large, bloodshot eyes snapped to Rosemary, still sat at the table. The girl's hauntingly dull eyes were now filled with venom as she gazed at her. Rosemary placed a hand on the wooden table, "sit down, we need to talk."

"No, this is crazy," but still Mickey stood and limped back to her spot at the table. She was exhausted and greedily drank the water pushed to her as she sank into the chair.

"How stupid are you?" Rosemary asked.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean seriously, these men aren't idiots, are you? Think rationally now because this is the only chance you'll get. And I don't give two fucks to sugarcoat it."

Mickey, gulped but nodded.

"Good," Rosemary said, "what do you want to know?"

"Why am I here?"

"You know why. The men need us. You're going to be a sex slave, but let's just call it a wife from here on out."

"No," Mickey put her face in her hands. "why me?"

"Because you're easy. They've been doing this for decades, maybe longer, I don't know."

"I need to escape."

"Did you not here what I just said? All the women say that at first, but they never do. You'll be brainwashed in three months tops."

Mickey slammed her fist on the table, standing up and causing the chair to fall from the abrupt movement. "No, that won't happen to me. I will fight."

Rosemary cocked her head, dark eyes staring at her almost daringly. "Sure, girl. You'll be a good wife eventually, just like the rest of us. You are Nikolas's girl, and he's your husband. You will obey him, for your safety. It won't be pretty if you don't."

She didn't have any more tears left. Mickey curled in her chair, hyperventilating as Rosemary watched her emotionlessly.

She didn't want to be a mindless housewife.

She didn't even want a husband.

Mickey wanted a wife.

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