15 . stained hardwood

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It took about 30 minutes for the men to come home. Hugh went to speak to their guests but Nico beat him.

"Where's Mikayla?" he asked.

"She's safe in the kitchen, with Rosemary and Cubby," Eve answered, she stood up to greet Hugh, grabbing his arm lightly. "these people need help, Hugh."

"I'll take care of them."

Mikayla listened in, expecting to hear footsteps leading out the door, but instead it slammed shut and the lock turned.

"What seems to be the problem?"

Mikayla couldn't bring herself to listen to the boring small talk that ensued. Being sidetracked by Rosemary snatching Cubby back and retreating to the far corner of the kitchen. When Mikayla's ears listened again, she heard no voices. But she did hear a weird squelch, and a groan.

Instinctively she ran out to investigate, being caught in the ready arms of Nico. Poor Andy looked down at the knife sticking out of his chest, mouth in an O and sweat running down his temple as his shirt became stained. Arthur was in front of him, ripping the knife away and stepping aside as the man fell forward.

The girl screamed, hands coming up to cover her mouth. Her boyfriend, ran for his brother, a strangled cry coming from his mouth.

"What the fuck? Why, why did you do this?" he muttered, sagging in shock.

"Neil, we need to get out of here," the woman cried, not waiting for his response, she fled the door, being blocked by Hugh. He grabbed her, holding her in a headlock as Neil looked back.

"Sandy! No, stop-" Arthur kicked the man, making him fall to his knees beside his brother's body.

"Some man you are, can't even protect your girl," Arthur chastised, waving the knife around.

A shrill scream flew from Mikayla's mouth, being caught in her throat when arms encircled her waist.

"It's okay, you're safe, I got you," Nico whispered, her hands reached up to cling to his neck from behind.

"Help them, make them stop, Nico," she wailed.

"I can't do that, Kayla," he murmured, petting her stomach.

In a moment of weakness, his arms loosened, and she ran from them. Mikayla wasn't trying to run for the door, she just wanted to get away, but a man followed her.


Mikayla's throat constricted harshly when she felt a knife pressed into her side

"You fucking cunt," Arthur snarled venomously, hand's clenching at the sight of his knife in the stranger's hands.

Nico's wary gaze darted between Mikayla's face and stomach.

The two eased their way to the front door, Mikayla's feet dragging against the floorboards as she whined weakly.

"Please, I'm pregnant," she begged Neil, who grimaced.

"Let me go, let us go," he demanded, "and I'll let her go," the knife pressed warningly to her swollen stomach, and Mikayla's pleads shifted into panicked cries.

Hugh, who's grip on Sandy has not eased, sighed in defeat.

"I will let her go, but you leave our women alone."

"Let Sandy go! You first."

Hugh sighed again. Mikayla though, relieved, thought the other girl would be released. And she was.

Only after her neck was snapped between the old man's burly hands.

"No!" Neil shouted, tears pricking his horrified eyes as the woman's body limply fell.

"Monsters," Neil muttered, "fucking monsters."

"We're just trying to protect our family," Niko said calmly.

"Oh yeah?" Neil mused, crazed gaze darting between the two men.

A squelch resounded from somewhere near her. Then Mikayla realized, it was coming from her.

Neil pulled the knife out of her side, aiming it over her stomach. "Let me go."

"Boys!" Hugh's voice echoed throughout the living room, but she couldn't hear it. Arthur and Niko rushed to her. Mikayla felt a prick to her belly again, and could only watch through hazy eyes at the blade sticking out of her, only revealing the handle.

Soon after, Neil had released her. And the two fell together. Neil being tackled by Arthur, and Mikayla falling into Nico's arms.

She focused on the blood of Andy, pooling on the floor, to not recognize her own threatening to join the puddle.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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