Chapter 30: Who are you?

Start from the beginning

I stared at him in shock "You did not!"

"I did! She didn't believe me and Helena yelled at me." He chuckled "The only one enjoying it was Tara. She really likes you."

"You're unbelievable! You can't go tell a girl her boyfriend is in love with another! And he's unconscious so he can't defend himself!" I laughed heartedly before taking a sip of my coffee "I like Tara too. She's an amazing soul, you're lucky to have her."

"You'll be lucky to have Mason too when he wakes up."

"What if he chooses her instead? He went through a lot because of me..." I ran a hand through my hair.

"I doubt it. He was with her so he could forget you. I could see the lack of chemistry between them. He loves you, Katrina."

"I love him too... If only I told him before he..."

"Shhhh, it's never too late. He'll wake up, and you'll tell him."

We walked back to Mason's room where Tara was sitting with Elise and Eloise. Tara grinned when she saw me and gave me an engulfing hug. She always made me feel like I belonged. Eloise on the other hand looked like she saw her worst enemy of all time.

Soon enough, everyone left including Elise who went home to take a shower and get some rest. I snuggled next to Mason, praying silently for him to wake up. I missed him, I missed his laugh, missed his jokes... I smiled at the thought of him laughing out loud, or the way he smirked at me when he was so sure of himself or being coy.

I felt a movement under my arm and pulled back just a bit. There was nothing. I must have imagined it. Before I could lay back, I saw Mason's fingers twitch. I jumped on my feet in excitement and happiness.

"Mason?" I whispered before paging the nurses.

"Where am I?" His voice was groggy and he seemed disoriented.

"You're in the hospital Mason, you had an accident."

He blinked a few times before his eyes settled on me. "Who are you?"

Mortified, I took a step back just as the nurses came in and started checking his vitals. One of them went to get the doctor and call his family. The whole time Mason kept looking at me in a weird questioning way. He does not recognize me. I was so happy he regained consciousness but was worried he'll never remember me.

"Miss, would you please step outside?" The nurse's voice cut our staring contest.

I nodded, not able to find my voice as I made my way outside. I watched the doctor go in and the door closing behind him. I stayed outside for fifteen minutes doing nothing but pacing the tiled floor back and forth. I heard Elise's voice in the distance and turned around to see her running toward me. She flung her arms tightly around me crying with happiness.

"I was on my way when they called." She pulled back and frowned "Why are you outside?"

"Just an examination. The Doctor is inside with him."

"How is he?"

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I shrugged wiping away my tears.

"What is it?"

"He didn't recognize me."

"Memory loss?"

"I'm not sure, I was told to leave so..."

Elise nodded "what matters is he's alive. He came back to us."

She waited for another five minutes before losing her patience and going into Mason's room leaving me all alone once again. It didn't take them long to walk out together and Elise was smiling from ear to ear as she thanked the Dr.

"Katrina? Come with me."

I stepped inside the room feeling Mason's hot gaze on me. I gave him a smile which he genuinely returned.

"You know who I am?" I asked him hopefully.

He pursed his lips showing off his dimples and shook his head "No, I still don't know who you are. I'm sorry I can't remember much. But you must be someone very important to me, aren't you?"

I looked at Elise who smiled encouragingly and walked to the edge of his bed. "Maybe I am if you'll still have me. I'm Katrina Johnson."

He didn't have time to respond as the door flung open and Helena came bursting in with Eloise. They both hugged him in turn but Eloise kissed his lips leaving him confused. He remembered Helena but not Eloise. She was so offended she started crying while Mason looked apologetically at her and even asked if she was his sister.

Elise explained to us that he had post-traumatic amnesia. He may be confused for a few days or maybe more but he'll eventually remember everything.

"No! I'm not your sister Mason, I'm your girlfriend, I'm Eloise."

"Girlfriend?" He looked at me with the deepest frown I had ever seen on his face. "Then, who are you to me Katrina?"

"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing." Eloise spat out like venom.

"She's no one!" Helena hissed but received a glare from her mother.

"I'm... your friend. And I'm happy you recovered." I smiled at him and took my purse from the coffee table "If you'll excuse me, I have to get home." I made my way to Elise and gave her a hug.

"Don't go, wait for me in the cafeteria." She whispered before letting me go. I nodded and walked out silently without a backward glance. What would I look back to anyway? Two women, hating my very presence? The man I loved that didn't even know who I was? My heart was crushing but it didn't matter. What mattered was Mason's well-being. As long as he was fine and healthy I was happy.

I stayed for almost an hour in the cafeteria before a nurse came to 'fetch' me, as she put it. She was sent by Elise. I knocked on the door and walked in slowly finding Zachary holding Mason's hand and laughing.

"We're going to get something to eat, would you stay with Mason for a while?" I didn't need to think about that. The answer was yes. And I knew what she was doing, she wanted me to stay with Mason, she wanted things to work out between us and it meant the world to me.

I pulled a chair close to his bed and sat on it looking everywhere but him.

"I have a feeling we're in a messed up relationship, aren't we? You, Eloise, and me?"

I chuckled shaking my head lightly "If only you knew." I met his gaze and melted at the affection I found in them.

"Look Katrina, I don't remember you. I won't lie, I can't remember anything from the past couple of years apparently. But, I have feelings for you I can't explain. It's like, I know there is something between us, but I can't recall how it was.

"Do you have the same feelings toward Eloise?"

"No." He said bluntly "And that's why I thought you were my girlfriend, not her."

"But she is. You've been dating for a couple of weeks before your accident."

"But my mom told me you never left my side, she only came once a day..."

"I don't know Mason. I hope you get your memories back, good and bad, and I hope you can remember who I really am and forgive me for the stupid choices I made out of fear."

Mason's face softened, "Even if I don't remember, I want to get to know you all over again.I want to know who you really are Katrina Johnson. Your name sounds so familiar."

I smiled "We were together in high school, you should at least remember that, right?"

Mason's eyes widened "Katrina Johnson! I can't believe it, you and me in the same room and you're not running!"

I burst in laughter and leaned into him pecking his cheek, I was so happy he remembered me. Even if he didn't recall the last few months, it didn't matter.

"You came back to me. I won't ever run again."

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