Part 29 THE END

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Mias POV:
I woke up in the morning to the feeling of Phil's arms around my body. I moved slowly away from him and inched my way out of bed, making sure not to wake him up. I put on my dressing gown and went to sit on the balcony, looking down on the beautiful city.
'I want to come back here one day, with the baby.' Phil said from the doorway, making me jump. I smiled, allowing him to place his hands softly on my shoulder and rub them soothingly.
'You know what you did was beyond wrong, I don't blame Gareth if he doesn't let you play another game.' I said, still not peeling my eyes from the view infront of me.
'He wants me to play today.' Phil said, barely above a whisper. I snapped my head to look at him and he shrugged, not saying another word.
'You beat Jack to a pulp and he's letting you play today?' I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.
'Jack can't exactly play can he?' Phil replied, smirking slightly. I rolled my eyes and walked past him, getting dressed and tying up my hair.
'Look, I know it was wrong. But Mia he was listening to everything, our conversations.. sex.' Phil said, explaining himself. I'd tried to push that thought from my head but I knew that Jack would've had recordings of the times me and Phil had sex, and my face softened, holding my arms out to him.

'I know, I understand, but seeing you like that scared me. You didn't even stop for me.' I whispered, running my hand along his arm.
'I didn't want to, not because I didn't want to listen, but because I've stood back and ignored him long enough now.' Phil said, lifting my chin up so that I was looking at him.
'I don't want to see you like that ever again Phil Foden or we're done.' I said, trying to contain tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes. I could see that hurt him, but he nodded, kissing me passionately. I didn't let us kiss for too long, not wanting to take him back straight away, but I couldn't help it. My phone pinged a couple of times and knew it must be my brother. He had a way of finding out everything within minutes of it happening. I knew Marcus would've spoken to him.

Jess: don't be mad at Phil please, Jack deserved exactly what he gave him.

Jess: he's protecting you and the baby,
Your special news was ruined by jack.

Jess: don't be mad at Marcus either please, he's always wanted to protect you. You upset him last night

I ignored my brothers texts, I'd already made up with Phil before breakfast, I didn't want to have to have another conversation about the previous nights events without eating.
'Get dressed I'll meet you at breakfast.' I said to Phil, standing on my tiptoes and kissing his nose.
'Wait for me, I don't want you to go. Not after last night.' He pleaded. I sighed, sitting down on the bed.
'You have five minutes I'm extremely hungry.' I groaned. He flashed me a smile and got dressed quicker than I'd ever seen, putting his phone in his pocket and taking my hand, walking me to breakfast. 
'You're really starting to show now, you look gorgeous.' Phil smiled calmly, rubbing my hand softly as we looked for a place to sit.
'Do you really think so? I just look fat.' I replied, sitting down next to Kyle and letting Phil take the seat opposite me.
'Oh don't be stupid, you're carrying a baby, and you look gorgeous doing so.' Kyle said, squeezing my hand reassuringly.
'Hey uh, do you mind if I sit here?' Marcus asked, looking to the spare seat besides me.
'No, go ahead.' I replied, still not making eye contact with him. Everyone stayed silent, waiting for Marcus to say something.
'Mia I just care about you okay? I've known you since before you could walk and Jack was jeopardising everything you have.' He sighed, turning to face me with a look of genuine sincerity.
'I know.' I whispered, knowing he was right, and that I had to forgive him.
'I know you might not want to forgive me, I just want you to understand me. I couldn't sit back and watch him behave like that Mia you have to understand that?' He said, more as a question.
'Marcus I forgive you. Seriously.' I replied, wrapping my arm around him and letting him hug me.
'Are you sure? I promise to make it up to you. I made myself look like a dick and I know that.' He said, still blurting out apologises.
'Hey, you're all good, just no more drama for the rest of the euros, please? All of you.' I laughed.
'We promise.' Kyle said, saluting me sarcastically.

Our baby boy was born 4 months later in the comfort of our own hometown. Granted, we'd just gotten home from the euros, but we were all happy I hadn't given birth in a foreign country.
We spent a few days watching as our boy grew, trialling different names, none of them matched. My brother had been calling him Teddy for the time being, as all he did was cuddle the teddies Jess had gotten for him. Teddy stuck, Teddy worked. And we went to the registry office the next day.

Teddy Jess Foden

Yes I know Jess sounded girly, but nobody was going to mock you if your middle name was named after your cool uncle Jesse lingard, right?

The boys won the euros, and as promised, there was no more drama. Jack was sent home and kicked from the team, he's currently still facing trials and questioning regarding the cameras.

We were married a month later, giving my baby bump time to go down, and us time to relax before the big day. All of the boys were there, friends and family were there, and we had a beautiful ceremony in the comfort of our own home.  Oh, I forgot to tell you. Phil had sent my father and his parents to go and look around some houses for us, to take photos and videos. We found the perfect one a week after we got home, meaning we lived in it for approximately 12 hours before I went into labour.
We lived not far from our families, on the outskirts of Manchester, in a beautiful large home covered in purple ivy. The garden was massive too, with a heated pool and a massive garden space for our baby.

Phil kept his promise, he didn't lay his hands on anyone else again, although he did push and shove during most of his games. All he ever wanted to do was protect me, and protect our family.
We were happy.
He made me happy.


A/N omg guys thank you so much for your love on this book🥺 let me know if you want anymore footballer stories in the future! I appreciate you all

Secret love// Phil foden (COMPLETE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ