Part 28

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Mias POV:
'Jude Bellingham, don't you think I'm actually right for once?' I sighed, sitting on the sofa With my knees against my chest, listening as the boys argued in the room adjacent. Phil was too strong and I knew that there was no way I'd ever be able to get him back upstairs without him finding his way to Jack.
'I know you're in the right, but you can't blame yourself, Jack, Chloe, the hotel manager just all happened to be really bad timing.' He reassured me, also trying to block out the shouting.
'But this euros was meant to be full of good memories and even before we got on that plane it was me who dampened the mood.' I replied.
'Hey, it was never your fault that you miscarried, you were trying to help us, that's all you do. Trust me. Nobody here thinks you're a burden.' He smiled softly, squeezing my hand. The noises next door had quietened down but that's when I heard the contact. I had let Phil go next door as long as he promised not to hurt him. The familiar sound of a punch forced me and Jude out of our seats and into the next room, to see Phil using Jack as a punching bag and not a single one of the boys stopping him.
'Marcus help please he's going to kill him!' I begged, me and Jude both trying to pull my boyfriend away.
'It's the least he deserves.' Marcus muttered, sitting down on the sofa and cleaning his shoes.
'You're a piece of fucking shit you know that?' I spat, managing to pull my boyfriend away, but not until he'd gotten in one or two more punches. I sent Jude to fetch medical, assuring him I'd be okay alone for the next few minutes.
'God I've been ashamed of you in my time but this really tops it.' I said, looking at my boyfriend with hatred, for the first time since I'd known him.
'Mia can't you see how what I did was right?' He asked slowly, beginning to panic as he saw me move away from him.
'You know I'm yours, we're having a baby together, we've been through hell and back together. I give you nothing but reassurance that you're the one that I want for the rest of my life, and still you're going to let your insecurity get to you?' I scoffed, starting to feel sick.
'Insecurity?' He asked, beginning to feel confused.
'Jack fucking Grealish! Yes he's fucked up, yes I expect you to be mad at him. But he's your teammate and you're not even halfway through the Euros.' I replied, shaking my head.

'Can you stop being my coach for a minute please and speak to me like my girlfriend.' He begged.
'No, because I don't even feel proud enough to call myself that. That was your last chance Phil Foden' I said softly, tears in my eyes. The medics were here now, taking Jack to another room. He was passed out, bleeding all over. Marcus opened his mouth to speak but I pointed my finger at him.
'Remember how protective you were of me in my last relationship? The man you and Jesse spent moths protecting me from? I see him in you Marcus.' I said, walking away from him without another word. Kyle followed me from the room and linked his hand with mine, waiting a few seconds before he began to speak.
'You're completely badass and you know I love and respect you, but you don't mean that, do you? He's your baby daddy Mia you can't give up on him for protecting you.' Kyle sighed.
'I can't let my baby grow up with a violent father. I'd rather die.' I responded, taking the key for my room and opening the door, turning on the light and looking around the room. Phil had left his key in here because he assumed we'd be coming back together. I took a piece of paper and wrote a note, attaching some tape and sticking it to the outside of the door.

I love you, but I don't like you right now. You can find somewhere else to sleep because I refuse to sleep with you tonight.

I kept his key inside, so he had no way to get in, and closed the door, making sure to latch it incase he got a spare key from reception. I took off my clothes and got ready for bed, standing infront of the mirror and sighing. I was starting to get big now, it was extremely obvious that I was pregnant and for a second I began to think I'd done the wrong thing. No. Phil needed to get his temper under control, because he was scary. I didn't want our baby around that. I got into bed and closed my eyes, knowing I'd not be able to sleep without him by my side but knowing I needed time to figure myself out. I heard a few soft taps on the door and I listened, waiting for someone to say something.
'Mia, please.' I heard Phil say, almost like a beg. I didn't reply, pretending to be asleep. I heard his body slide down the door and I instantly felt guilty, he was really going to sleep in the hallway.
'Phil go sleep in someone else's room I'll feel bad that you're outside.' I sighed.
'If this is as close as I can be to you then this is how it'll stay until I can be with you again. I can't leave your side, not again.' He sniffed, I could tell he'd been crying. I didn't say anything, I kept my eyes closed but trying to sleep whilst knowing he was outside made it even harder for me.
'What you said back there, you've not broken up with me have you?' He asked, nervously. I thought hard about his question. Had I? It sure sounded like it but I knew I wasn't ready to give up on him. For once he had a pretty good reason to punch Jack in the face.
'No, we're okay Phil, I just need some time, you scared me a little.' I replied, getting up from bed and sighing, as I unlocked the door and let him inside. I threw him a pillow from the bed and made sure he slept on the sofa, he was taking liberties as it was but it would help us both sleep if he was in the room.
'I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am' he said, sitting up and looking at me pleadingly.
That's when I felt a kick in my stomach. I smiled and looked down at my belly, seeing a small movement, and putting my hand on there.
'Hey, come feel this,' I said quietly, taking his hand and putting it on my stomach, letting him feel the kicks. We may be arguing but I didn't want him to miss his baby's first kick.
'Footballer.' He smiled, rubbing my stomach softly. I closed my eyes and tried to forget how aggressive I'd seen him today. He was trying to protect me. I know that. I sighed, opening the duvet and letting him get in besides me. He looked at me cautiously and I tapped the bed impatiently.
'It's only to help me sleep, ok?' I asked, watching him closely as he got into bed besides me.

Secret love// Phil foden (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now