Part 22

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Mias POV:
It felt like forever later when I was cheering for my boys, who'd won yet again. I sat on the sidelines, giving them the time and space to speak to fans and to celebrate their success of getting into the semi finals. Kyle was the first to run off to see me, picking me up and shouting excitedly.
'We're gonna win we're gonna win we're gonna win.' He chanted.
'I know you've all done so good.' I smiled. Bukayo ran off next, hugging me before turning back to look at the masses of fans in the stadium.
'Is this real?' He asked.
'Yes B and you deserve it.' I replied.
'Here she is!' I heard my boyfriend shout, walking towards me with his arms open. I let him embrace me tightly and he swung us both backwards and forwards.
'I'm so proud of you.' I whispered.
'What for?' He asked, pulling away from me and smirking at me softly.
'You just want me to validate you.' I joked.
'Well, it would be nice.' He teased.
'For everything, you're smashing the World Cup, and you behaved yourself on there.' I said, looking between jack and the pitch. Phil followed my gaze and rolled his eyes.
'He's never been a threat to me.' He said, loud enough for him to hear. Jack span to look at us and I grabbed Phil's arm, walking with him towards the showers.
'In you go, you stink, and don't take too long, I'm tired and I want to go back for cuddles.' I said, passing him a towel. He kissed my forehead and headed into the shower room, as I sat and waited outside.
'You think it's funny do you?' I heard Jack laugh, walking towards me and sitting down next to me.
'Leave it Jack I've genuinely done nothing wrong.' I sighed.
'Either way, Phil needs to stop being so fucking authoritative.' He spat.
'Does he? Because I am his girlfriend.' I said dryly.
He huffed and stood up, nudging past Kyle on his way past.
'And his issue isssss?' He asked me, slightly annoyed at Jack's outburst.
'I'm not too sure of that myself..' I replied, trying to really think about what id done.
'Anyway, forget him, ive got news.' He said excitedly, sitting besides me.
'What is it?' I asked, resting my head on his shoulder.
'So, you can't say anything. But, me and Annie are having another baby.' He whispered. I clasped my mouth and looked at him in shock, he nodded excitedly.
'Oh my, I'm so excited for you!' I exclaimed, hugging him.
'Thank you.' He laughed, swaying he side to side.
'What's going on?' Jordan asked, suspiciously walking past us.
'Nothingggg.' We both said in response. He rolled his eyes and walked into the changing room, and I continued to jump up and down again.

'Do you want a girl or a boy?' I asked.
'I'd be happy with either.' He smiled.
'I can't wait.' I replied, resting my head against the wall. Phil walked out of the showers, still rubbing his hair with a small towel.
'Have you told him yet? I don't think I can contain my excitement.' I whispered.
'Yeah, I told him just before the game, I knew you'd let it out.' He laughed.
'Isn't it exciting?' I smiled to my boyfriend.
'Yeah.' He replied, mustering a smile but not saying much else. I shot him a confused look but chose to ignore it until we got to the car.
'Go for a shower mr Walker you stink.' I said, hitting his arm lightly.
'Are you going straight to the hotel?' he asked me.
'Yes, for a nap, and then I'll be straight down at the bar with you.' I smiled.
He hugged me once more and fist bumped Phil, taking his towel to hang up, before walking into the shower rooms.
'Ready to go?' He asked me. I nodded, playing with his fingers as we walked to the car.
'What's up with you?' I asked, as the car began to move and I was sure that there was no press listening to us.
'What do you mean?' He replied, furrowing his eyebrows.
'Why aren't you happy for Kyle and Annie?' I questioned.
'Oh no, trust me I am, it's just come at a bad time and I just wish we were able to be sharing that news with people too.' He whispered.
I sighed, taking his hand in mine, and he moved it to my belly.
'I'm sorry.' I whispered.
'Don't ever apologise again, it wasn't your fault, we can try again.' He said, begging for me to understand that what had happened was nothing to do with me.
'I'll take a test when we're back at the hotel just to make sure, and then yes we can try again.' I smiled.
'Why do you need to take another?' He asked me.
'Well the last pregnancy crept up on us, it's been nearly a month so I just want to be sure it's negative.' I replied.
We drove the rest of the way in silence, I could tell he was nervous, and his dominant side came out once more as he protected me from the press waiting outside of the hotel.

'Move your fucking cameras out the way.' He said angrily, pushing one of the journalists back. He opened the door for me and slammed it shut, and we were engulfed into silence once more.
'Doing that is going to ruin your reputation.' I warned.
'They don't need to get that close to you.' He protested. Nobody else was at the hotel yet, Phil had a super quick shower so we were the first to leave the stadium.
'How many spare tests do you have?' He asked me.
'This is my last one.' I replied, heading into the bathroom to take it. I left it on the sink, not wanting to look until I was sure it was fully developed.
'I'm pretty sure it'll be a negative test anyway but I just want to check, especially because I promised Kyle a night out tonight I don't want to be doing any damage.' I smiled.
'I'll be here with you for it all, you know that right? When we're home, I'll sell my house and we can get a beautiful one away from all of the commotion and start a family.' He said, looking deep into my eyes.
'Times up.' I whispered, turning off the alarm that was blaring through my phone. I walked into the bathroom, picking it up from the side but still refusing to look at it until I was sat with my boyfriend.
'Ready?' He asked. I nodded, turning it over.
'Two lines.' He said, and I felt my heart begin to pound out of my chest.
'I'm pregnant.' I whispered.

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