Part 18

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Mias POV:
The plane landed not long after, the flight was only two hours long and I had slept for most of the way. The hotel was right next to the training ground, but about half an hour from the stadium. We'd been given the best place to stay once again, but they had decided to keep all teams separate this year, due to my brother starting a fight with a player from another team a couple of years ago when he got abit close to me at the bar.
'Keys to your room, make sure someone has them at all times or you'll get locked out again.' Gareth laughed, passing me the key to mine and Phil's room. I rolled my eyes jokingly and took my boyfriends hand, leading him to the top floor of the hotel.
'We've got this?' He smiled, looking around at the beautiful room infront of us.
'I guess so.' I laughed.
'Who are the neighbours?' He asked.
'We've got Kyle and Mason on one side, and B and Jude on the other.' I replied.
'B and Jude! Who said we're gonna babysit.' He groaned.
We heard them both laughing and jumping around next door and got into bed, so tired.
'I didn't mean what I said earlier.' He whispered.
'Oh, you didn't?' I asked.
'I don't want to pressure you into anything. You've just had a miscarriage. If you don't want another baby that's completely fine.' He smiled.
'I know.' I smiled in return, kissing his head and moving my hand to his waist.
'Don't do this.' He whispered.
'I can't, not yet, I don't want to hurt you.' He said, in a serious tone I'd never heard before.
'Okay.' I smiled, kissing his lips and moving my head to his chest.
'Comfy?' He asked.
'Mhm.' I replied.
'Sleep Well my gorgeous.'

I woke up the next morning, still as tired as I was the night before. Phil was awake but sat on his phone, his arm still around me, making sure he didn't wake me up.
'Morning.' I yawned.
'Goodmorning how did you sleep?' He asked me.
'It was a solid 6/10.' I replied.
'That's better than half.' He chuckled.
I rolled over and pulled him close to me.
'Time to get up.' Phil said, kissing my head.
'5 minutes cuddle time please.' I groaned.
'How could I say no to your little face.' He smiled, opening his arms to me and letting me snuggle into his chest.
'What are we doing today?' I asked after a few moments of silence.
'It's just training and getting used to the grounds today.' He replied.
'Not too busy then.'
'Stay in bed today, you don't need to get up.' Phil begged.
'No I'm okay.' I smiled, sitting up.
'Please rest for me.' He said, pouting.
'I'll have a rest this morning I can't take all day off.' I said, laying back down. He stood up and walked to the other side of the room, to the kettle, to make me a tea.
'You can, Gareth's orders.'
'He didn't say that.' I scoffed.
'He wants you to take all the time you need.'
'I'm fine!' I said once more, throwing my arms out and dropping my head onto my pillow in defeat.
'I will be back at lunch and I will bring you some food, go back to sleep.' Phil said, stroking my head and putting a tea in my hands.
'Thank you Mr Phil Foden.' I laughed.
'I love you.' He smiled, kissing me lightly and squeezing my hand, opening the door wider than usual. And I'm glad he did, Bukayo and Jaden were stood there both smiling at me.
'Hey guys.' I laughed.
'Hey we've got Judes clothes he's just got out the shower.' Jaden whispered.
I rolled my eyes and we all sat in silence, listening to Jude swear and groan that he'd lost his clothes. I said goodbye to them and Phil closed the door, blowing me one last kiss.
I was left in silence again and sighed, turning on the tv.
Jess: hey silly, how are you? Xx

Me: hey Jess I'm okay, I miss you so much please come down xx

Jess: I can't:( I've got some stuff to do for JD tonight but I'll be at the next game. promise xx

Me: I miss you on the team xx

Jess: I miss it 10x more but we've got the World Cup xxx

Me: I know, I love you lots I'm going back to sleep xxx

Jess: text me when you wake up, I love you xxxx

I put my phone on charge and sat up to take a sip of my tea. It was only 9am but I felt like I could go back to sleep for hours. The tv began to blast out the news theme tune and I turned it down quickly, throwing the remote to the bottom of my bed.
'Not coming down today gaffer?' I heard Jack ask through the door.
'Come in.' I said. He came in and smiled at me, standing there with Mason.
'I got woken up just to be sent back to sleep.' I laughed.
'Well you need a rest.' Jack smiled.
'I don't I just woke up.' I replied.
'Hey be lucky you're getting it. Masons got the day off too because he's ill.' Jack said in quotation marks.
'Join.' I smiled excitedly patting the bed. He threw his packet of crisps down on the bedside table and walked over to make himself a cup of tea.
'I'll leave you to it. Enjoy whilst I'm running around in the rain.' Jack rolled his eyes.
'Bye.' Me and Mason laughed.
Jack closed the door and Mason turned to me instantly.
'I've got a big issue and I need help.' Mason said instantly.
'I kissed a girl, well maybe had sex with a girl last night, and she's staying at the hotel, and she's the daughter of the opposing teams manager.' He blurted out.
'Sorry what.' I laughed, grabbing my mouth.
'It's not funny, I need help what do I do!' He groaned.
'You're not ill are you?' I teased.
He was looking at me for an answer.
'There's nothing you can do.' I replied.
'What if she comes back.' He whispered.
'I'd take that as a compliment.' I laughed.

Secret love// Phil foden (COMPLETE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें