Part 15

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Phils POV:
I opened the door and didn't see her at first, as my view was blocked by a group of medical staff and a pile of her stuff, on the floor. But sure enough there she was, lying in the bed. A seat was pulled out for me and I took it, so that I was level with her head. She hadn't moved, or at least I hadn't seen her move, and I began to panic.
'Don't worry she's stable.' One of the paramedics said, placing his hand on my shoulder.
'How long was she alone before you arrived?' I asked, rubbing my thumb along the inside of her palm.
'20-30 minutes unfortunately, the traffic was awful due to the closed roads.' The driver replied from the front seat. I felt angry, but that turned into a wave of sadness, thinking about how scared she was, all alone in that car.
'Can we hurry up please.' I snapped.
'We're going as fast as we can sir.' The woman in the passenger seat said, trying to assure me as much as she could. I spent the entire ride trying to wake her up, by moving hair from her face or by squeezing her finger a little too hard, but nothing worked.
'Do you know what's wrong with her?' I questioned after a few moments of silence. Watching as we pulled up outside of the hospital.
'We don't think it's too serious but we do need to try and stabilise her to keep the baby safe.' One of the paramedics said, opening the doors and beginning to slowly move her bed out of the ambulance.
'I'm sorry I think you have the wrong person.' I laughed nervously.
'Sir, shes pregnant.'
I took a step back and let them take her into the hospital, following close behind but not wanting to get in the way.
If Mia had been pregnant this whole time, the alcohol wasn't going to be doing either of them any good.
I saw Jesse's car pull up in the car park from the window of her room, and felt the nerves pick up. I didn't want Jesse to find out she was pregnant, before Mia knew herself. The nurse must've read my face, as she walked to the door to greet Jesse.
'Hey my sisters in here.' I heard him say in a frenzy.
'Hello you must be Jesse.' She smiled.

'Can I come in?' He asked impatiently.
'We need to just do a few more assessments and then we'll be able to let you in.' She said, making sure he took the seat outside of the door before closing it firmly.
'Thank you.' I said, mustering a smile. She had already been into surgery, and they had said that she hopefully didn't need anymore. I sat in one of the chairs beside her bed and took her hand in mine, carefully placing it back onto the bed. I rested my head on the side of the chair and felt myself falling asleep. My head bounced off of the edge of the chair and I shocked myself awake.
'Hey.' I heard Mia whisper. I looked down at her and she wasn't moving, her eyes still closed. I looked at her for a second, thinking I was just imagining things, before I felt her hand slowly clasp mine.
'Hey.' I said, letting out a massive sigh of relief.
'I got the passport.' She groaned.
'Don't.' I said, laughing lightly at her.
'Mia we'll wait until you're a little bit more awake and then we have a few things to run through with you is that okay?' The nurse asked.
'Uh, yeah, is it bad, what's happened?' She panicked.
I kissed her head and began to run my hands through her hair.
'As protocol we had to go through some standard tests on sight and we found out that you're pregnant.' One of the doctors said, holding an iPad, with the results, for proof.
'I, are you sure?' She asked, squeezing my hand tighter.
'Not very far along at all 3-4 weeks at the most but enough for us to be able to spot it. In this case we had to rush to make sure you and your baby were as safe as possible and the car isn't able to be recovered unfortunately.' He smiled softly.
'Oh don't worry about the car.' She laughed.

Mias POV:
'A baby?' I whispered, once the doctor had left. Phil was looking at the floor and I began to panic once more.
'Hey my love what's wrong?' He asked me.
'You don't want it do you? Its too soon.' I said, starting to cry.
'Hey stop, we can do whatever you want, if you think it's too early then that's totally cool but I'd love a baby with you.' He said assuringly.
'Are you sure? It's not been long.' I panicked.
'Hey stop.' He said, clutching my hand.
I grabbed my stomach as I felt a sharp pain, and clenched my eyes shut.
'What's wrong?' He asked me, calling for a doctor.
'Cramps that's all.' I replied.
'You're not on your period.' He said in return.
'I'm so sorry I'm going to have to ask you to leave.' A nurse said, scurrying my boyfriend from the room.
'No please bring him back.' I said, holding out my hand. She looked between us both.
'In that case make yourself useful and help us get her to the toilet quickly.' The nurse said, taking one of my arms. Phil grabbed the other and carefully helped me to the bathroom.
'What is it?' Phil asked me.
'It doesn't matter.' I whispered.
After a few moments of silence, the nurse looked at me and smiled apologetically. Phil seemed to be the only one in the room who didn't get the hint. I grabbed his hand again and began to cry.
'Hey it's okay.' He whispered.
'I am so sorry, we tried our best.' The nurse said, passing me a tissue for my eyes and going to wait outside.
'You mean?' He asked. I nodded and I saw tears form in his eyes too.
'We don't need to worry about a baby anymore.' I cried.

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