Part 13

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Mias POV:
'Where are we going?' Jude asked, skipping ahead of me, through the front doors of the hotel.
'I was thinking, we go on a walk, get some food, go to the aquarium.' Jesse replied.
'You'd think you've never been to London before.' Kyle laughed, rolling his eyes.
'We're going to the aquarium.' Kieran said.
'Really!' Kyle shouted, excitedly. I laughed at him, and slowed down so that I was in pace with Phil.
'Hey you.' He smiled.
'Hiii.' I replied, locking my hand with his.
'How are you thismorning?' He asked.
'Im good, how are you? Excited for late night training?' I teased.
'Excuse me?' Raheem butted in.
'Oh, you didn't know?' I laughed.
'Since when was late night training a thing!' He groaned.
'Gareth wants to, bring a different side of us out apparently.' Kyle said, waving his hands about.
'How late are we talking?' Jude asked, smiling sarcastically.
'11.' I said.
'11! That's my bedtime.' Bukayo groaned. I pulled a face and he looked at me, deadly serious.
'No he's serious it is his bedtime.' Raheem laughed.
'Got to rest my legs.' He said, patting his knees.
'Food or aquarium first?' I asked the boys.
'Food.' They all replied. Jude led us to the same cafe me and Mason had been at the day before, saying he needed to get the pasta we did.
'I'm craving it bro, and you didn't bring me any back so.' He said, pointing his finger at me.
My phone began to ring and I frowned, seeing it was Gareth on the end of the phone.
'Just give me a second, I smiled, getting up from the table.
Gareth: hey, are you still at the hotel?

Me: ive taken the boys out, why what's up?

Gareth: oh I'm so sorry to do this but please can you come back? I just have a few things I need you to do

Me: yeah sure, what's up?

Gareth: Kyle forgot his passport so I need you to sweet talk the airport into letting us through, and I also need you to help me prepare food for tonight.

Me: I can do that, whats tonight?

Gareth: secret training was a lie. I have a team building exercise for the boys to do. I've got an ex army officer coming in.

Me: that's so exciting, okay I'll be with you soon.
Jude looked at me in disgust and put his glass down on the table.
'What?' I questioned.
'You're leaving us aren't you?' He asked me, genuinely upset. I looked between the boys and they all looked gutted.
'Please just eat with us.' Jesse asked. I sighed and looked back towards the hotel.
'Fine.' I said, sitting down at the table besides Jude.
The boys cheered and I smiled, putting my sunglasses up on the top of my head.
'If I get bollocked it's your fault.' I laughed, pointing my finger at each and every one of them.
'You had to stay anyway, I didn't know what pasta to get.' Jude smiled cheekily.
'Get it all mate, it'll save us some time.' Mason laughed.
'Do not tell him that.' I groaned.
The waiter came over and took everyone's orders, leaving Jude until last.
'Hi, yes please can I have one carbonara, one spaghetti and meatballs, one tomato pasta with cheese, one pesto pasta,'
I looked at kyle and he shook his head at Jude, trying to get him to shut up.
'Who's paying for this?' Phil whispered in my ear.
'Not me.' I laughed.
'One macaroni cheese, one pasta salad, one fettuccine and one tomato ravioli please.' He smiled, innocently, putting his menu on the table. The waiter was scribbling furiously on his book, trying to note down everything Jude had just said.
'Is that all?' He asked. Jude went to open his mouth and Kyle covered it.
'Yes thank you.' I smiled. We waited until he had turned the corner and Marcus threw a napkin at him.
'You've got issues bro.' Kieran laughed.
'I hope you know you're eating pasta until the day you die.' Raheem tutted.

The food arrived and we had to call someone from the hotel to box up Jude's extra pasta and take it back so that it wouldn't go bad.
'How much was all of this?' One of the bodyguards asked, balancing the 4th box of pasta in his hands.
'I dread to think.' Phil said, taking a sip of his drink. I had the macaroni and it was incredibly nice.
'Just think Jude, if we lose to Italy, how are you gonna feel about this pasta?' Kieran laughed.
Jude pretended to be sick and we all laughed. The waiter rushed over and looked down at Jude.
'Is everything okay?' He asked.
'Oh no no he's fine don't worry.' I laughed, assuring him that he was not actually being sick due to the food.

My phone rang for the 4th time and I stood up, finishing my drink.
'I better go boys, I'll see you tonight?' I asked.
'Hey don't leave as soon as we need to sort the bill!' Kyle protested. Bukayo pretended to push me away, making sure Kyle knew I wasn't paying for all of Judes pasta.
I threw my card on the table and kissed Phil on the cheek.
'Deal with it and don't tell me how much it was please.' I laughed.
'How embarrassing would it be if your card declined.' Mason joked.
'It would be so funny because then you'd have to pay for it.' I said, flashing him a smile. His face dropped and I turned, waving goodbye to them and walking back as quickly as possible.
I met Gareth at the door and he didn't seem too annoyed at my bad punctuality.
'At least I don't need to give you a lunch break.' He laughed.
'Jude has just made me pay for near enough £100 worth of pasta so I think I need a break.' I laughed.
'Never let a child know how much money you have.' He said, half joking, half serious.
'Right, I don't have that much for you to do really, I just need you to make sure the boys have enough drinks and food for tonight, we will be over at the hotel pitch and not at the training ground.' He explained.
'Where is this so called army officer?' I asked.
'Over there.' He whispered, pointing at a tall, well built man at the end of the pitch.
'Oh shit.' I laughed.
'I'm glad it's them and not us ey?' He asked.
'Definitely, I'll be on social media duty.' I said, picking up the bottles of water and moving them to the table closer to the pitch.
Phil: I refuse to come back to the hotel if we have to do ARMY TRAINING

Me: get a grip you'll be fine, he won't go that hard on you

Phil: Jude has been sick

Me: Jude can sit out with me then.

Phil: in that case we've all been sick

Me: oh get back here and get a shower you lot. And maybe take a break before tonight————————————————————————


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