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Jennie's POV

"Ohh here's she is ." Jisoo announce when they saw me walking towards them.

"hi guys!!! "
They approached me and Rosie put her arm around my shoulder. "Jen, come with us to my apartment. You know, Let's have a drink to celebrate the opening of school year."

I smiled as I shook my head. In the few years we have been friends, they still don't stop asking me to drink alcohol with them even though they already know I will reject them.

"thanks guys, but you already know that I can't be with you when it comes to alcohol and seriously girls, it's the first day of school and you're going to drink? " I asked them. " oh come on. Don't be so KJ Jen! This is our last year in college." Jisoo said in frustration.

Irene approached me and held my hand. "Jen, we're on our last year in college, we only want to cherish every moment of this year with you. We won't force you to drink . just be with us. please."
Irene beg and I did nothing but nod.

The three of them smiled as if they were planning something bad and I'm used to them.

I'm Jennie Ruby Jane Kim . 21 years old, my mother's only child because I have no idea who my father is.

Actually my mother is open to answer my questions about him, but I didn't try to ask because I don't care about people who don't even care about me.

I am happy with what I have now. My mother and my friends are with me, that was enough and I had nothing more to ask for.

Even though we are not as rich same as wealthy families. I am still proud because my mother was able to support my education in a bit expensive school and I have never experienced hunger in my entire life.

When I look at myself in the mirror I can say that I'm really beautiful, but i don't have confidence to show up myself even though many people already tell me how good looking i am.

I'm a shy type of person and I hate myself because I lack self-confidence. I have a habit that I don't like when people give compliments, I feel like they're just saying that fool me .

Even at school, I knew I was good in class i understand everything, but even though I knew the answer to the questions i just chose to keep quiet.

I would rather lock myself in my apartment than socialize with people who are not close to me, I feel like they drain my energy when I socialize with them.

I consider myself as introvert. I don't want to talk a lot, I always choose to keep quiet specially when there's a lot of people around me. I always feel uncomfortable, but when I'm with people I'm comfortable with like my friends, I myself can't believe that i also can talked a lot .

Many people who don't really know me always think that i'm snobbish. I'm always serious, I don't care what other people say. I just let them think what they want to think of me.

That's the key to a happy life. You don't need to please other people to like you. If they don't like you just ignore them.


" No "
My friend said that I'm too hard on myself that every time someone expresses their feelings to me, I feel like they are not serious about it.

I don't know why but i have this feeling that no one who would dare to love my boring personality.

I have a lot of crush most of them are girls. Yes you read correctly I am bisexual. I am more attracted to women than men.

Yeah i think so! actually i have a crush on Irene before we became friends but that was before.

I don't know why it's suddenly disappear, maybe because i prefer her to be my older sister than to be my girlfriend? I'm not sure about that.

And one more thing. I'm really attracted to woman but there's a part of me that i want to have my own children with my partner someday.

I know in today's generation it is possible for both women to have a child as long as you have money but for me it's still different because we still need to find a sperm donor before we undergo that kind of process.

That means it's not only about me and my partner there is another person involved, as much as possible I still want my partner to be a man, So we don't have to go through those kind of processes to have a family.

And I'm also the type of person who is good at hiding my feelings, even if my friends don't know when I'm attracted to someone, that's one of my talents.

"So jen, what are your plans after college?"
Irene asked before she put the bottle of beer on her mouth.?

"hmmmm, i think my first goal is to have a stable job."
I answer her.

"how about a boyfriend or girlfriend? you don't have a plan? Look it's not that i'm pushing you but , you know ! you should try. You're beautiful Jen , there's a lot of good looking girls and guys who wants to be in a relationship with you. I know you don't have self-confidence but believe me Jen . You're beautiful! when someone tells you you're beautiful believe them, because you're really beautiful."
She said to me, I smiled at her.

" let's just chill about that and wait for the right time and the right person, besides i'm still young, i still have a lot of time."
I explained to her.

The truth is i really want to try, but I couldn't get rid of the fear that I might be fooled like my dad did to my mom.

I was about to talked again when suddenly we heard Rosie's moan.
Irene and me look at each other and we both smile while shaking our head.

" can you please go inside your room, we don't want to witness a
live porn here."
I told Jisoo and Rosie, they're already drunk and they can control their self anymore.

Without a word they got up from the couch and went into Rosie's room. This is also one of the reasons why I don't want to go with them because when they get drunk, that's what happens. It's a good thing Seulgi isn't here so I can talk to Irene properly.

" it's a bit late , i think I need to go home."
I told Irene before I hugged her.

"All right Jen, be careful I'll just wait for seulgi, she'll pick me up."
she replied.

When i arrived at my apartment I settled myself on the couch to rest when I suddenly felt nervous when I heard the door open. Did I forgot to lock it when I entered? I asked myself

I immediately rushed to push it but before I could do it, the door spat out a beautiful woman I can tell in her actions that she is drunk.

" who are you? "
I asked nervously , I was trying to reach out the flower vase just in case she is a bad person i have something with me .

She looked at me but she could hardly open her eyes.

"Who are you? I should be the one asking you why you're here in my apartment."
She answered me while pointing at my face with her index finger.

"Can you come out here. You're drunk and you entered the wrong apartm ........"
I didn't finish what I was about to say when she suddenly covered my mouth with her palm.

"shhhhhh, shut up .Fine if you want to sleep here you can ! but can you please shut up ? your you're so noisy. I want to rest just lock the door. Okay ?."
She said before she walked towards my room and left me speechless.

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