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Hi! This is a lot of angst. It's a happy ending of course but with so much angst it gives me a headache. I started this by just wanting to practice writing verbal conflicts and anxiety attacks but I got carried away and it turned into this.

I would just like to say that I'm obviously not trying to romanticize anxiety/panic attacks. I get them frequently and a lot of the things that Louis suffers from during his are based off of my own experiences with attacks. I kept it close to what I go through because I didn't want to write about other symptoms that I don't experience and risk being inaccurate. Anxiety is something that a lot of people live with. It's difficult but we're all strong! If you also suffer from anxiety, I'm proud of you! You're doing so great!

IMPORTANT: This fic goes through the past and I wanted to make it realistic so there's talk of baby gate and Jay's death. They're important plot points so don't read if you are uncomfortable with it. I'm not trying to be insensitive. I'm just trying to write.

Louis' POV will be their current lives and Harry's POV is their relationship from the beginning.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy it and have an amazing day!! <3

Vanilla, Cherries, and CigarettesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя