Chapter Nineteen- Oscar

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The three of us wait at the dock. I decided no need for any extra backup; we could deal with any potential ambush between the three of us.

The Irish mafia is a small organization nowadays, it used to be something to worry about, but with Conor at its helms, it has shrunken considerably, such that in the last syndicate meeting; where all the bosses of different organizations meet to discuss business and collaboration potentials, we were debating if the Irish mafia still qualifies to sit at the table, seeing as their net worth is meager.

I never liked Conor; I found him arrogant with nothing to back it, Darragh, on the other end, I did not get a good read on; he used to come to the meetings before, but not anymore.

When he came to these meetings, he usually sat behind Conor, observing the room, calculating and assessing all the men and women sitting around. he did seem perceptive

he spoke once when Wan, the leader of the Triads, disregarded Conor's claim of taking over his territory. He spoke wisely and saved his brother from being sliced in his sleep for the disrespect he showed during the meeting.

"I see a car coming our way," Arturo says while finishing his cigarette.

"I don't like this," Rafael spits out "I would die of shame if we get killed by the Irish."

"I need answers." I whack his shoulder and chuckle, "I am sure you can handle some Irish pussies"

"fuck that... if they try anything," he smiles maniacally, "I am ripping into them."

"he is here," Arturo interrupts "Rafael, behave."

Rafael flips him the finger.

Darragh opens the car door for us and gestures for us to come in.

We do with Rafael leading the charge.

"you are armed, I assume," Darragh asks once we settle in

"of course; what sort of idiots do you think we are" Rafael's jaw clenches

"Just checking, in case I am followed "he calmly explains to us

"who would follow you?" my turn to ask the questions

"Conor.. he suspects I am up to something ... well, his trust is fickle these days." he gives a curt nod

"can you blame him" I retort back. Does he expect to gain favor by telling us his brother, who he is actively betraying, should trust him?

"no.. but it is not undeserved" his nostrils flare.

I hate family traitors; after what my uncle did, it is a sore topic, so this meeting is not something I condone, and at this moment, I feel I played the wrong move.

"I don't think this will work" I raise my hands and then gesture for Darragh's driver, "take us back."

"wait ..." Darragh interjects, "please, hear me out" he grits his teeth; I feel his anger at being in such a position.

"spit it out," I command

"I cannot watch Conor destroy everything my father worked hard for and do nothing."

"I don't fucking care." I mean it; this is not my problem

"you will care once you hear me out, "he replies confidently. "I only ask that once you hear me out... you consider helping me overthrow Conor and take his seat at the table."

I say nothing, studying him; he must be desperate to want our help. I respect a man who will do anything to protect what he believes in, even ask his enemies for help.

Cruel Innocence- Mafia Dark Romance Story- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now