Chapter Seventeen- Gemma

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Oscar shuts the door behind him, and I allow myself to let everything out; my tears fall unrestrained, and my mind goes over the discussion I just had with Oscar.

Elena is kidnapped... who would do this?

Papa is behind it; I can feel it; he would want to hit Luca hard after their last encounter...

Men can be so petty... so vengeful and destructive when their egos are bruised.

I focus on breathing to try and gain some semblance of control, but that does not work that well, so I get up and start pacing the room, releasing some of this pent-up anger.

I chant over and over

she will be okay

she will be okay

She will be okay... she has to.


Luca will not let anything happen to her... he will protect her

I did see the care he has for her... unless

unless what will save Elena is the same thing that might hurt the famiglia...

will he put her first?

I pause my pacing and feel the cool despair clock my anger... I would not bet on that. Men in our world will always put their business first



my nightmare's

and I am sure Oscar's

Giovanni texted me; I did not expect him to contact me ... he had not seen me since the wedding, and even then, it was brief.

This text is got me edgy. Is Antonio threatened? I am sure he has nothing to do with this mess. So why now? What does he want?

The monsters in my life seem to continue creating havoc in my life

They don't seem to die, nor leave me the hell alone

I cannot escape them, nor can I slay them

I am not sure how long I have indulged in this pity party, but eventually, I come back to reality.

My reality... I hug myself and inhale into me some self-control

I will get through this... just focus on the next step

I will get through this. This time, I have something extra, I have an ally, Oscar

He will protect me and will fend off ugly situations from escalating

He will do that

I hear myself whisper, " Unless he finds out and then ..."

I shake my head, clearing it of these negative thoughts

he will not find out, so this is a moot point

I shower and decide to grab a coffee and a piece of chocolate cake; I know Lucia made some today.

"you will be safe... you have my word," I hear Arturo speak softly just as I am getting close to the kitchen

I stop and listen in... this is so not me. but I feel it will be wrong to interrupt

Arturo speaking softly is a first; who is he talking to?

"I will never be safe," Lucia whispers back.

What the, I never knew they had a relationship, or do they

Arturo sighs in defeat "do you not trust me?"

Cruel Innocence- Mafia Dark Romance Story- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now