Chapter Twelve- Gemma

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I want to move and find the source of this sound, but I feel so heavy


what is this annoying sound, and can someone stop it


I finally manage to pry my eyes open, and all I can see is white

I blink a few times, trying to adjust my vision

"Gemma," I feel gentle pressure on my hand and turn to confront whoever is causing that.


It cannot be; what is he doing here

He is the one holding my hand, I instantly pull my hand from his hold, but to no avail, he holds it firmly, ignoring my little attempts.

"you are safe," he speaks softly, yet I can feel heaviness in his tone.


Safe from what? I want to get up but, for some reason, cannot. Instead, I look around and then back at him. He exhales in understanding and then leans closer to me, smiles sadly, and plants a kiss on my forehead.

I close my eyes for a minute then freak out

Papa will kill me

That is when I remember

The last time I saw Papa, he stabbed me

Oscar must have felt the coldness sweep through me because the next minute, I felt his warmth battle it, hugging me tight and tighter.

"no one will ever hurt you," he whispers into my ear.

I exhale, I believe him; I believe what Oscar is promising for some odd reason.

I nod and then push him off, needing space to think through this, and I am thankful he does not put up a fight.

"how long ?" my voice sounding so foreign and parched.

"two weeks," he gives me a weak smile while sitting back on the chair beside me and taking my hand back in his.

"two long weeks, Gemma... you scared all of us." he draws circles on my hand with his thumb, it is soothing, but I am not sure he is doing that on my behalf only. I look him over, and he looks like shit; his beard is overgrown and dark circles have nested under his eyes.

"where is Papa?" I shake my train of thoughts and get back to assessing what will happen... Two weeks is a long time to be indisposed.

"We don't know" his nostrils flare as he exhales hard, focusing on these circles.


"Luca and I"

"I am sorry," I whisper and close my eyes; Papa has really condemned us. It is not enough to have the Famiglia proclaim you a traitor, but now we have the Mexican cartel hunting him down.

"you have nothing to be sorry for," his jaw clenches "I am the one who should be ...I did not protect you ... enough."

I open my eyes wide; I never had someone come so close to say sorry, even when they wronged me gravely.

I chuckle ruefully; I am sure anyone observing me will think either she is heavily drugged or has gone mental. The truth is here I am in the care of my father's enemy, and he is doing a better job than him, To the extent that he is apologizing for a situation he had no hand in making.

He definitely deserves much better than what he will get from me.

"Gemma, I promise you," he starts

I cut him off. "Mama?"

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