Chapter Eleven- Oscar

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"What is our next move?"

Rafael's voice seems so far away at this moment, and I feel myself losing grip on my surroundings.

What is our next move?

Fuck I should have fought harder to put my own security on Gemma

Too late for this now, I pace around the room, processing all the information I have so far; an idea upon an idea crashes with no fruitful results.

" Oscar," Rafael asks again.

" I am thinking," I growl, I need more time to think this through.

He says nothing, and I continue pacing and thinking.

after a few minutes, he sighs in defeat " I can call Marco to get the Italians up and moving"

" sure.. keep me posted" I hang up; I have nothing more to add.

What the hell is Luciano planning, he cannot have her wed in broad daylight to another after the deal was set. I know he wanted to give her to the bratva and cement those deals. But he cannot do this now.

Can he?

Luciano cannot overstep Luca, and he definitely does not have the manpower to fuck Luca.

Would the bratva help him? I stop to think this one through.

That would be a risky move, but maybe they think Luca is too new in his role.

I call my bratva source; maybe he heard something.

" what do you have for me?"

" Nothing," he says, sounding surprised I called.

" cut the bull shit, Dimitri; what is Luciano doing?"

He huffs, " I don't know Oscar.. what I know is Yvan and Luciano had a big screaming match a while back, and he was asked to pay retribution."

" retribution.. how?" I feel my teeth clenching. Would Luciano think of giving his daughter as retribution?

" I don't know... but he is supposed to do it soon," he adds

" did Yvan ask for something specific?" I goad him on

" Not that I know of, but the rumor is Yvan was very pissed and slighted, so he will need something of value to appease him... I just don't know what Luciano is planning to do ... that is not the end I have sight into"

" Is Yvan planning to attack Luca?"

" no way, man" he sounds shocked at this idea.

There is nothing more I can get out of him

" if you he.."

He cutes me off, " if I hear anything, I will send you information."

" do that "

so, Luciano is desperate.

Desperate men are the scariest; they defy logic and are so unpredictable.

What retribution would Luciano provide?

Not Gemma.

Why would Yvan take her as retribution? he cannot do much with her without calling too much attention to himself

Fuck. What is she going through now? I feel my anger rising. If they hurt her, I am going to rip them apart

would I be there on time?

Fuck, what if he is getting rid of her for a whole other reason.

Did he find out she is not a virgin and decide to clean house? He does not know that I know, and he might think I will be slighted.

Cruel Innocence- Mafia Dark Romance Story- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now