Chapter Nine- Oscar

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Life has been busy; I definitely am getting a feel for what Ana has been dealing with, while I have been always engaged in the business, being the boss is entirely a step-change from that.

It comes with more power for sure, and I can see how some men can lose themselves in it, but what really thrills me is the game; the long game. The moves and countermoves that need to take place, thinking a few steps ahead of your opponent and setting the game such that they have no choice but to make the move you want them to...

Of course, these games come with more danger; some opponents just get so frustrated playing this game and decide to end it. Hence, my two new bodyguards.

I chose two young soldiers, wanting to give them a chance to prove themselves. I decided to leave Josee and Fernando on Ana's tail. She might not be the leader anymore, but her safety is of utmost importance.

The two young soldiers have been enthused and have been working hard. They have stopped two attempts so far. I would not glorify them as to say attempts on my life because they were sad attempts. One was really so weak it was rather insulting

these attempts will continue, and with the laws of probability, you can never underestimate one.

I only imagine they will get braver and might touch more people in my life, like Gemma.

I wanted to assign her the same security measures, but Luciano felt insulted; after all, she is still under his care. The most he acquiesced to was getting her extra security when she left the house.

I would have fought that more but decided to leave that alone and keep the same lookout I had on her before.

" Miguel is planning a visit in the next month or two" Rafael sits across my desk after handing me a folder.

" We better not fuck up this time " I meet his gaze.

The last time Miguel came to Miami, he escaped us so easily; he seemed aware of the trap we set up and all the moves we did after. That lead us to one conclusion.

There is a leak in our Cartel.

" We are still looking for the leak," he adds, annoyed.

" where is Arturo on filtering the soldiers that knew about it last time ?"

Arturo, Rafael, and I came up with this set of criteria to filter soldiers as potential leaks.

the criteria are pretty simple when you think about it, but very telling when put together.

They have to have debts that cannot be sorted out easily. Crazy mortgages, gambling debts, shitty alimony deals, and whatever else found on the books and off-books.

Family problems that need lots of cash to fix, family being; immediate family or extended.

Drug problem that puts them as great baits for the sharks trying to sniff around, while this last one is hard to detect, we followed the money, small expenses frequently made to vague accounts.

" he went through them .. we are down to three that can be desperate enough to try something this stupid .. all information is in the folder."

I skim through the folder; the information is thorough but not exactly what I am looking for.

Tapping my fingers on the table, pondering what is the next move to make. Should we round these three up or should we wait this out

" want us to drag them to the room" Rafael eases back in his chair

Torture them for the truth.. while I don't mind torturing traitors, I typically frown on torturing loyal soldiers. that is usually such an unnecessary loss.

Cruel Innocence- Mafia Dark Romance Story- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now