uni ; chapter thirteen

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song - monster by paramore

lowercase intended


the days were getting longer, the nights were getting shorter, all the signs that summer was officially coming to an end. Dan loved the summer, but he felt excited as the letter that he was anticipating got nearer and nearer to arriving.

any minute now...

Dan tapped his fingers on the window sill, silently waiting for the letter to finally come so he could know whether his future was ensured or not.

come on...

"good morning, babe." Phil echoed through the apartment. he scuffed his feet over to Dan's place on the couch and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"morning." Dan smiled, holding Phil's head and brushing the fringe out of his face and kissing his forehead.

"did you sleep well?" Phil asked, sitting cross legged in front of Dan. "i noticed you woke up earlier than me, that never happens."

"i don't know," Dan lied. "just slept deeper this time i suppose."

Phil rested his head on the younger boys shoulder. "summer's almost over."

"i know." Dan said.

"promise me extra long cuddles on account of the cold weather?"

"wouldn't miss those for the whole world, honestly." Dan smiled.

Phil gazed up at him, and kissed his jaw before standing up to go make breakfast.

almost here...

buzz! the intercom rang. Dan ran for the door before saying a quick "i'll get it!" and rushing out.

he thanked the mailman and ripped open the letter. this was it, the moment he had been waiting for.

Daniel Howell, we are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted into the University of Manchester.

"holy motherfuck!" Dan shouted. "i'm going to Uni!"

"what?" Phil said, obviously very confused.

"Phil, i got accepted into the University of Manchester!" Dan yelled, jumping up and down excitedly.

"let me see!" Phil snatched the letter and skimmed through.

"oh my god, babe!" Phil squealed. "that's amazing, i'm so proud!"

Phil hugged his boyfriend. "i had no idea you had even applied."

"well i thought about what you said, how i should apply for Uni. at first i thought nothing of it, that i was just not cutout for life and that it didn't really matter, but moving in with you changed me, Phil. i have purpose, i have a reason to want to live."

Phil teared up, noticeably. "baby..."

"i love you so much, Phil."

"i love you more." Phil said, bopping Dan's nose with his index finger and pulling him in for another hug and kiss.

"impossible." Dan said, giggling as he gazed down on the man who saved his life.

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