meet the parents ; chapter twelve

247 11 11

song - dead inside by muse

lowercase intended

well hiya guys i haven't updated in a while i know,, i've been busy,, but tysm for 1.6k reads :)


"do i really need to meet your mum today?" Dan asked, practically ripping his finger nails with his teeth.

Dan was very nervous, as Phil's mum was coming for a visit and Phil thought it would be a perfect time for them to meet each other.

"Dan, i love you very much, and i want my mum to meet the man i love, and my mum's a sweetheart, just like me, so you'll be fine. she'll love you." Phil said, rubbing his hand up and down Dan's shaking leg.

"i love you, too. but i'm dying inside i'm so nervous."

"i know, it'll be okay. i promise."

Phil wrapped his arms around Dan's torso and kissed his cheek softly.

"it's gunna be okay, it's all gunna be fine."

Dan nodded, though he was more assuring himself than he was assuring Phil.


there it sounded, knocking from Phil's (well, their) front door. Dan's heart lurched towards his throat with each footstep Phil took towards the door. Dan was surprised his heart didn't make a break for it as soon as the door opened.

Phil's mum was very short, 5'6" at the most. her hair was cut at her shoulders and it was copper, the same colour of Phil's roots as Dan noticed from the kisses he left on Phil's forehead so many times.

"Mum, this is my boyfriend, Dan." Phil introduced after much hugging and conversation without him.

she smiled warmly, and his nerves subsided very vaguely. "hi, it's nice to meet you."

Dan stuck his hand out, but was met with a soft hug. he smiled, maybe this was going to be okay.

"Phil's texted me so much about you!"

Dan blushed as Phil's heart completely stopped. "Mum!" he whined.

Dan giggled. "oh, has he now?"

"yes!" she beamed. "i must show them to you, he's crushing pretty hard."

"i regret inviting you." Phil cried.

Phil's mum ignored her son as she scrolled through her messages and clicked on Phil.

Mum, I met this really cute boy today!

Omg he's the cutest thing! I might be in love, prepare to give your son away.

Dan's poor little heart soared. did Phil really mean that?

He's moving in with me! He's the best boyfriend ever... I really do think I want to marry him..

Dan blanked. did he actually say that?

Just bought the ring. When should I-

"Oh! well that's enough messages. tell me more about yourself, Dan?"

"oh, um, of course, i-" Dan stuttered. a ring?, he thought. is he gunna...

"well, me and Phil share pretty common interests. we have literally everything in common! so most of what you know about your son, you know about me." Dan said.

"oh, so you're a massive nerd i assume."

Dan laughed loudly and Phil grunted for the third time.


"your mum is great! i can't believe i got so worked up." Dan said as he took his seat on the couch.

"yeah, i'm lucky to have her."

"so i heard your crushing on me." Dan giggled. "how embarrassing."

"you live with me!" Phil shouted.

"i know." Dan said. "i love you."

"i love you, too, Bear."

Dan smiled warmly and kissed his boyfriend. he really did love him with all his heart, and he thought that maybe, if Phil did plan on asking to marry him, he would more likely than not say yes.

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