nice to meet you ; chapter one

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song - new born by muse

lower case intentional


summer, known to most adult's as the season of thievery. to Phil, this season was the most busy. caught up in the hustle and bustle of vacation, phones are lost and stolen, and mostly broken. same with cellphone chargers. Phil Lester was head cashier at Best Buy, a device store located conveniently close to the beach, and Phil was practically slaved to the hundred's of teenagers trying to replace their broken or lost chargers before a 'sick' party they had to go to.

Phil sighed to himself as he left his shift, thankfully being relieved by his coworker, Louise.

"you look exhausted, mate." Louise said to Phil.

"didn't get much rest."

Phil hadn't lied, but he still mentally scolded himself for being so stupid. he knew he should have gone to bed, he knew it was the third day of summer, so he would be busy. but he just had to rewatch season one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Phil lazily trotted into his apartment, throwing his keys on the counter and running a hand through his hair. feeling a buzz in his pocket, Phil whipped out his cellphone. Phil smirked to himself as he remembered how many people were probably breaking their phones right at this moment. he shook his head, how irresponsible some people could be.

incoming call from : unknown number

Phil questioned himself before answering.

"hey man, are you still at Molly's house?" the voice from the other line said, his voice was kind of raspy, yet smooth. Phil's cheeks burned from the mention of a female.

"um..." Phil stuttered. "i think you have the wrong number."

"oh!" the voice exclaimed. "i'm sorry!"

Phil could hear a faint racket in the background of the call, which signalled him to shout.

"wait!" Phil said. "is that new born? by muse?"

the voice paused. "why yes it is."

"i love muse!" Phil shouted.

"as do i, do you have a favourite album?" Phil could almost hear the smile plastered across the voice's face.

"Black Holes and Revelations"

"i like that album, may i know your name?" the voice asked.

Phil was never the type to give out his name, but he liked this new person, and would enjoy getting to know them. so, he said "my name is Phil, what's yours?"

"i'm Dan, it's nice to meet you. do you like any other bands or musicians?"

"well, i like Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco."

"those are fantastic bands!" Dan said. "you know, i'm really glad i dialled the wrong number."

Dan chuckled at his smooth banter as Phil's face started to look like a strawberry flavoured marshmallow.

"-but, i really should call the friend i was trying to reach."

"oh okay, you're right i'm sorry." Phil stuttered.

"we should talk again soon, i'd like to get to know you, Phil!" Dan beamed.

Phil's tongue poked out of his mouth as he smiled. "yes, we should. goodbye, Dan."

Phil hung up, still sort of smiling to himself as he lay on his couch, daydreaming about what this guy named Dan could possibly look like. he wondered if his hair was in a fringe like his, or if it was pushed back. maybe his hair was neck length, or maybe it was cropped short. was he tall and skinny?
was he short and plump? maybe he was tall and plump, or short and skinny. was he pale like Phil? was he tan? Phil daydreamed about tattoos the man might have. Phil liked tattoos. He'd always wanted to get a tattoo, but never had the confidence to get one.

Phil fell asleep after a while of daydreaming, causing him to dream about speed dating different assortments of the same man.

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