social media ; chapter two

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song - olsen olsen by sigur rós

lowercase intentional


Phil had yet another striving day at work. so many teens needed new chargers that it took both Phil and Louise to check them all out. Phil lazily took out his keys before unlocking the door to his apartment, and throwing his keys onto the counter. he flopped down onto his couch and flipped through the television channels.

as Phil decided to watch Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, Phil's phone buzzed in his pocket.

incoming call from : unknown number

as soon as Phil answered, his ears were struck with calming music. Phil felt as if he were melting into the floor, the music was so lovely and peaceful.

the voice of Dan giggled through the phone, causing Phil to open his eyes again and smile. he had never heard Dan's laugh before, but boy did he love it.

"could you guess what song i'm playing?" Dan beamed.

"no, but it was rather soothing, much different from what you were playing yesterday." Phil said, still smiling slightly.

"Olsen Olsen by Sigur Rós" Dan stated.

"never heard of them before."

Dan chuckled. "didn't expect you to, they're from Iceland."

"oh, cool."

"yeah, really calming aren't they?"

"yes, and here i thought you were punk rock." Phil giggled.

"hey! i had a lot on my mind today." Dan pouted.

"oh, what happened?" Phil asked, he was genuinely worried for his friend.

"nothing it's okay- do you have any social media? i want to see a picture of you if that's okay." Dan said, interrupting himself.

Phil kind of squirmed at the idea, he had just talked to Dan yesterday, he didn't want something to go wrong.

"i do." Phil said. "i have Facebook."

"may i have it?" Dan chuckled.

"yes you may." Phil said. "promise not to stalk me?"

Dan laughed. "i promise! tell me your Facebook, mine's Dan Howell."

Phil gave Dan his Facebook details, while he quickly shot up and rushed to his room to get his laptop, logging in to Facebook and searching for 'Dan Howell'.

Dan had a brown fringe from what Phil could tell from Dan's profile picture, he had pretty brown eyes, and smooth clear skin. no tattoo's that Phil could see, but he did have his ear's pierced. Phil couldn't take his eyes off the picture, Dan was mesmerising.

"holy shit." Dan breathed from the other line, utterly confusing Phil.

"what?" Phil said. "is there something wrong?"

"no! it's just-" Dan said, before getting really quiet. "you're really hot."

Phil's cheeks burned, he was 100% sure he looked like a bloody tomato. He stuttered into the phone.

"um thank you, you're very pretty- i mean handsome." Phil's cheeks burned harder.

Dan laughed loudly. Phil facepalmed internally, he goofed, again.

"that's okay, Phil. in fact i am a very pretty boy." Dan smiled.

"what?" Phil was confused. "are you gay?"

Dan laughed hard again. Phil looked as if he just saw a ghost.

"yes i am."

"oh, that's cool. i don't really like to identify myself as anything." Phil said. "like, i think girls are pretty, but i do like guys, too. they're attractive. but i'm also attracted to personality. like asexual kind of, but i'm still attracted to appearance. i don't really know what that makes me."

"that's okay phil, you don't need to identify yourself as anything." Dan lectured. "labels aren't that great anyhow."

Phil smiled.

"oh Phil, who's this girl named Zoe? she's pretty, is she your girlfriend?"

Phil instantly turned bright pink.

"hey!" he said. "what did i say about stalking my page!"

"i'm sorry!" Dan laughed. "so is she your girlfriend?"

"no! we're just friends."

"oh, okay then. what about Louise? she's lovely."

"stop it!" Phil exclaimed, burring his head into his pillow. "i don't have a girlfriend."

"boyfriend? because this Pj guy is-"

"no! i don't have a boyfriend either, Dan. i'm loverless."

"oh, same."

Phil chuckled, rolling over onto his back. "thanks for making me feel lonely."

"no! i didn't mean too!" Dan exclaimed, he hadn't meant to hurt Phil's feelings.

Phil laughed. "it's okay."

"no this is unacceptable. i formally invite you to a date on saturday."

"whoa, at least friend me on Facebook first."

Dan remained silent, seemingly unamused by Phil's joke.

"wait- Dan are you serious?"

"yes completely."

"are you actually asking me out?"

"yes, what is your answer?"

Phil chuckled, shaking his head.


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