Movie Time

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About 3 hours later Dan said, "wanna watch a movie?" Dan asked. "Sure, just not a horror" I replied. "What movie should we watch" Dan asked. "Umm how about a Disney movie" I suggested. "Okay" Dan replied. "Ooh! Let's watch Mary Poppins " I exclaimed. "I never watched it" Dan said. "Do you even Live bruh?" I said. We laughed. "Yeah. Let's get you to watch it." I said.


as we were watching, Supercalafragileisticexpialidocious came on. I was like singing to it. "Is that a word?" Dan asked confused. "Supercalafragileisticexpialidocious? Yeah it's a word" I replied. "That's a long word" Dan said. "Indeed" I said. "Is t even in the dictionary?" Dan asked in reply. "The dictionary people don't typically put the longer words in the dictionary" I said. I sat closer to dan as he put his arm around me. Ellie jumped on my lap, causing the popcorn bowl to fall. "Ellie!" I said. we started laughing. "I guess Ellie doesn't like popcorn" Dan said.

After we finished the movie we had chocolate. "There is a longer word. " I said. "What is it?" Dan replied. "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" I replied. "What?" Dan replied.
"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. It's a lung disease" I said. "Wow. How do you know these" Dan said. "Sometimes I get bored. Other times I actually know the terms." I replied. "did you know that word you just said?" Dan replied. He didn't know how to pronounce it. "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Yeah. I knew it from memory" I replied.

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