Plan making and drsss shopping

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"Wanna buy a house" I ask Dan as we were sitting on the couch at my house. "Yeah sure" Dan said. We got up and looked for a house. We looked at a few houses until we found the perfect one. We bought it but we aren't moving in until we are married. Then we went back to my house to plan the wedding. "What should the colors be?" Dan asked. "White and another color" I said. "How about light blue?" Dan replied. "That's pretty! Let's do it!" I said. "Alrighty colors down!" Dan said. "Yup" I said. We spent the rest of the day planning. Once we finished we sent the order in. Then we went Dan went home. I decided to go to bed. I was going dress shopping tomorrow. I was going with Emma and Anna.

I woke up. And got dressed. Anna texted me to meet her at the park. I went to the park. I saw Anna and Emma. "HI" they screamed. "Hi guys!" I said excitedly. We hugged. "Congrats! you will make the perfect couple" Emma said. Then we went to 'Le Dress dê Fancę' (I just made that up xD). We looked through the dresses. "What about this one?" Ann's asked holding up a yellow dress. "Aww hell no" I said. We all cracked up laughing. Then I looked at a wall of dresses. Then...... I saw it. A white dress with pretty details. "I found the one!" I said excitedly. "Good go try it on" Emma said. The dress fitter took me to the dressing room and helped me with the dress. once she finished I said, "ready?" "Yeah" Emma and Anna exclaimed. I walked out.

"Omg! You look so pretty" Anna said. "Amazing" Emma said. I looked in the mirror. I started crying. "Yes, I want this one" I said. "YEAAAAAAA" Emma and Anna said. So we bought the dress and took it to the house we rented for us girls. Now I'm all set. I'm very nervous for the wedding. It's coming up soon. Very soon.

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