Chapter 21 - Car crash, Cross?

Start from the beginning

Hope smiled lightly, "take your time."

Red took a deep breath, the oxygen entering his mouth in a soothing manner and carbon-dioxide exiting quietly. "Me and my husband were attacked."


It was a normal day, Red was sat on the couch and his husband, Classic, was enjoying the cold floor. He couldn't be bothered to get up, it had been a long day.

Nothing was happening, which was nice for both of them.

Well that was until, a loud scream brought them out of the calm sense. Classic being quick to sit up, staring out of the window. Red stood up, going over to the same window and opening the blind.

To see a mess of a crowd, none of their features being recognisable except the few running ahead. One of them being a close friend, the police officer Undyne, who was holding up a small child with the parent just behind her. They were running rather quickly, the child crying and screaming loudly, which was strange of Undyne. She would try to calm the situation.

Classic and Red decided to investigate, opening the front door and gaining Undyne's attention. She ran up to them, quickly running through with the parent and child close behind. The parent closed the door quickly.

With confused looks, Classic asked what had happened. Undyne gave a small description of what Red thought was a laugh. Their panicked looks did not show it was a joke.

They only understood what was happening, when banging sounded on their unlocked door. The child started screaming loudly, turning to a hysteria of shrieks and tears. The parent looked close to crying too, taking their child from Undyne's arms and rocking the smaller lightly, speaking words to relax them.

Something clattered and smashed in their hallway, Classic showing no amusement of this 'joke' and going to stop the whole thing. Red stood at a slight distance, trying to quieten the child.

Everything seemed to be fine, the clattering stopped from the hallway and the child was quiet. Well, until a massive crash against the door and Classic stumbling in with blood covering his hands, one hand over his wrist. A look of shock was bright against his face also with slight panic.

He ordered Red to go through the back and run. Undyne quickly taking action, saying goodbye to Classic and running through the house with the parent in close pursuit. Red stopped, watching as his husband's breath shook.

"Hey?" Red knelt down, feeling his own panic rise. "You're okay, we can patch that up." He put a hand on Classic's hand, checking the blood covered wound. "It's okay, just stay calm." He put a hand on Classic's cheek. "See? Zombie's don't exist, it's just a fun movie night we have."

Classic placed a hand on Red's neck, feeling the cold liquid trickle down his shirt. "I was hoping we wouldn't get to this part." He quietly muttered, "G-go." He pulled Red into a short kiss, Red not taking that as a goodbye.

"Come on, it's only your wrist." Red started, putting a hand around Classic's arm and trying to pull him up. "You can still walk?"

Something grabbed Red's collar, pulling him up and closer to a very cold breath. Red panicked, whirling around and punching the person in the face. Good thing it wasn't someone he knew, that would be embarrassing. Classic shoved Red in the direction the other three went.

"P-please." Classic murmured, his eyes drooping lightly. "Just go." Red sort of froze, he didn't like seeing Classic like that. "Or else I'll judge you." He laughed lightly, coughing out heavily.

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