ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟚 - 𝕊𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕡?

4.9K 128 77

Word Count : 870 words 

"Alright (F/N), bedtime."

Itsuki called out to you as you continued to watch TV. "Huh? Already?"

"Yes, it's quite late. Go take a bath and sleep tight," she repeated.

"Bummer. Which room today?"

You asked the jackpot question, and all sisters looked at each other with slit-like eyes.

Of course. Since there are 5 rooms in the house, and you're obviously not going to sleep on the couch, you need to share a bed with one of your sisters.

The problem wasn't the fact that no one was willing to share. The problem was that everyone wanted to share, and now they're going to bicker about it.

"He's sleeping in my room tonight," Nino said decisively. "It's final."

"Your room?" Miku scoffed. "Who knows what a brocon like you is gonna do to my little brother? He'll sleep in my room tonight."

"He slept in your room yesterday, Miku," Yotsuba joined in. Usually she's quite airheaded, but she becomes rather scary when your sleep schedule comes into the picture. "My room tonight."

"He hasn't slept in my room in quite a while," Ichika said in a dangerous tone. "So it's mine tonight."

"Why don't we let (F/N) decide?" Itsuki said, and all five of them stared at you with hostile eyes. You sweatdropped.

Ok. Five options.

Ichika's room is out of the question. You don't even know where you're putting your foot half the time.

You slept in Miku's room yesterday. If you do it again, it'll piss the others off.

Nino hugs too tight. Not interested.

That leaves Yotsuba and Itsuki.

You think you slept in Yotsuba's room the last time..... it's been a while since you've slept in Itsuki's room.

"Itsuki-nee.....?" you said hesitantly. The five sisters processed your input.

"Ugh....." Nino sighed in dissatisfaction. "There goes my chance....."

You gulped in anxiety. Chance to do what exactly, Nino.....?

"Alright, you'll sleep in my room today, then!" Itsuki squealed, not even trying to hide her happiness. "Get your pillows, (F/N)."


You jumped off the couch, and took out your pillows and Rexy. Rexy was your blue dinosaur plushie. You couldn't ever sleep without him by your side.

You said good night to all your other sisters, and after freeing yourself from Nino's 'good night kisses', you walked into Itsuki's room.

It was a really pretty room. There were a lot of posters and sticky notes on her table, and a comfy bed at the corner. You stashed your pillows on one corner, monopolizing it and making your own pillow fortress.

You turned off the light, and snuggled in with Rexy for the night.


"Alright girls, sleep tight," Itsuki said, and closed the door behind her. She stared at her bed.

A small boy with bright red hair similar to hers, was comfortably sleeping in the corner of her bed. He was hugging his blue dinosaur Rexy for dear life, and even had a small pillow dome above him.

Itsuki squealed. You were so adorable!

She tip-toed into the room and slowly lay down next to you, making sure not to disturb you in the process. She stared at you with stars in her eyes.

You were so small and vulnerable when asleep. She was reminded of how snappy and mischievous you normally were, and she couldn't help but giggle at your curled-up form.


You had apparently colored the entire staff room in your primary school with acrylic paints today. Itsuki had given a thorough lecture to you a few hours back, but she couldn't even stay angry at you for too long.

 Itsuki slowly caressed your hair, and patted your long, red bangs. 

You wouldn't let anyone except Miku touch your hair when you were awake, so Itsuki decided to take advantage of the fact that you were sleeping in her room tonight.

"Good night, (F/N)," Itsuki said slowly, and dozed off hugging her little brother.


"So, new school?"

You asked your sisters as Nino turned in your favorite bacon and eggs with the sunny side up. You immediately attacked your breakfast.

"Yup!" Yotsuba was most excited. "New school, new friends, new teachers, new everything!"

"But still failures," you added on. Miku choked on her juice.

"You're so mean, (F/N)," Ichika added with a smile. "We're not as smart as you, you know?"

"More like anyone in my entire grade," you pointed out. "I could do your homework, you know?"

"Well, he's not lying," Nino sat down on the dining table. "He once managed to solve 1 sum in my math textbook. And he's twelve years younger than us, mind you."

"I wish I were that smart....." Itsuki said as she devoured her third serving. "Nino, is there more?"

"Jeez, there is," Nino said. "Slow down, Itsuki."

"But I'm hungry!" she wailed. "Hey (F/N), aren't you hungry? Have some more!"

"Wait, are you using the tactic known as 'give-more-to-the-other-person-so-that-I-can-use-that-as-an-excuse-to-take-more' method?" you asked slyly. Miku choked on her juice once again.

"Hmph!" Itsuki pouted. "You're mean to everyone except Miku, huh?"

"No, I'm mean to everyone," you said, poking your egg with the fork. "Maybe a bit less to Miku-nee....."

Miku smiles slightly to your left, and ruffles your hair affectionately. You allow her.

"Wait, I want to---" Nino started but she stopped when you sent a death glare at her direction. You hissed at her ferally.

"He's just like a cat," Yotsuba observed.

"We're getting late," Miku spoke up. "I think we should leave."

"Hey, I'm planning to flood the school bathroom today~~"



Little Devil (Quintessential Quintuplets x Child Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن