ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪 ℚ𝕦𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕤!

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Word Count : 1074 words

"I can't reach it....."

"Ugh, you little tiny one. Give it to me."

"I'm not tiny!" you squeaked. "I'm a big boy!"

Maruo Nakano facepalmed. "If that's what you think big is (F/N), you're in for a long ride."

You made an angry face at your father, and threw a small little tantrum. Maruo sweatdropped.

Sometimes I forget I'm dealing with a five-year old.....

"Where does this go, (F/N)?" Maruo asked while holding up a big sign that said 'Happy Birthday Nee-sans!'

"Center of the room!" you squealed excitedly. Your sour attitude two seconds ago took a complete 180. "Right above the couch!"

"Okay then, buddy."

"(F/N)-chin! (F/N)-chin!" Raiha spoke excitedly. "What about this!?"

Raiha held up two huge balloons. Helium ones, which would float right up when left unmanned. You put on your thinking cap and thought about it hard.

Five-years-old-level of hard.

"I don't know....." you said unsurely. "Papa, where does that go?"

"Hmm? The helium balloons? You could just leave them be, right?" Maruo said indifferently. "Just let go of one each in each corner of the room. Easy decoration for the ceiling."

"Woah, Papa is so smart!" you said in awe. Maruo looked at his son with a poker face, but deep within he was raging with pride.

"I'm not, (F/N). I just have a much more experience than you do."

"But how?!"

"Because I'm much older than you. I've seen a lot of things, and done a lot of things. I remember throwing a surprise party for your mother too. Just like this one."

"Wow, really?!"

"Yup. Let's not deviate from our work, (F/N). Let's finish up the decorations."


Just then, the family mobile phone vibrated on the table. It was a message from Fuutaro.

Hurry up! I don't think I can stall them off for much longer! 5 minutes tops!

"Only 5 minutes!" you screamed. "Papa, we need to finish this up!"

"That's exactly what I've been saying," Maruo replied. "You and Raiha should finish arranging the couch cushions and put on the tablecloth. I'll get the cakes."


You and Raiha pulled out a fancy tablecloth that you guys had reserved for special occasions, and slowly put it over the table. The two of you evened it out, and you marveled at your handiwork.

Suddenly, you remembered that you had two more guests!

You ran into Miku's room, and jumped onto the bed to gather your precious audience - Rexy and Dino!

Because no birthday party is complete without Rexy and Dino.

You gingerly brought them down the stairs, and heaved them onto the couch. So pretty!

The living room looked amazing! Balloons, color-coordinated couch cushions, five different-flavored cakes all suited for different sisters, and guests in the form of Raiha, Maruo Nakano, Fuutaro, Rexy and Dino!

You grinned. Your master planning was all falling into place!

"Alright, we're done! (F/N), you remember how to use the confetti, right?" Maruo asked his son, and you nodded vigorously. "Good. You and Raiha get one each. Remember to blast them at the same time, okay?"

Little Devil (Quintessential Quintuplets x Child Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن