forty two

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chapter forty two:

"At least lock the door first"

The balcony adjacent to Thyme's room was lit up by dozens of candles that were scattered along the floor. A telescope, one of his recent obsessions, was set up in the corner. Two chairs — and two champagne filled glasses — were set up in the same corner. Right next to the telescope stood Thyme and Gorya, lightly bickering like always.

"Take a look," he said, gesturing to the telescope. Gorya peered into the eyepiece, "What am I looking for? There's nothing." Thyme looked down at his watch, "wait one second,". And then the stars began to fall out of the sky. It was a meteor shower — the first one that Gorya ever witnessed. It felt surreal. Almost as if the stars were close enough to touch.

"It's strange," Thyme stated, interrupting her inner thoughts, "I never thought the day my life would change would be the same day we saw the meteor rain. It feels like there's meaning behind it,".

The two of them stared at each other with adoration. Who would have thought that this is where they would have ended up? Gorya smiled and went to look back into the telescope, "It's a shame that it doesn't last forever,". Thyme chuckled. Gorya lifted her head to look at him, "Is it that funny?"

Her words were cut short by Thyme lifting up a necklace and presenting it to her. It was gorgeous. It was in the shape of a shooting star. Small diamonds were imbedded into the silver charm. The words "Gorya and Thyme" were cut into the back of the charm. It quite literally took her breath away.

"It will last forever," Thyme said whilst placing it in her hands, "At first, I wanted it to be the symbol of me if I ever went away. I don't know how long my punishment would be. But now... I'll stay right here. I love you, Gorya. I really do. This isn't a simple infatuation, I'm a hundred percent sure of that now."

Somehow, the two of them ended up fighting on Thyme's bed. Well it was less of a fight and more of a one sided attack since Thyme was clearly losing. "Stop! Stop!," he screeched with his hands raised in an attempt to protect himself. Gorya continued to mutter curses.

"What's this?"

The new voice silenced the two love birds on the bed. They turned to see Lalita standing at the door with a betrayed expression. To her right stood the two deserters — Liliana and Vincent — who wore looks of confusion. Thyme and Gorya quickly got up and straightened out their clothes, "It's not what you think!" they said in unison.

"Before you explain, tell me why she's here first," Lita said crossing her arms over her chest, "I can't believe this is what I came back to. I was so excited to surprise you with Lia and V..."

"At least lock the door first," Vinny said over his breath earning a smack from Lia. "It's really not what you think Vinny!," Gorya pleaded. The boy was taken aback, "I think this is a good time for us to go back home, I mean we just got off a flight and still have to meet with the others!", he stated quickly whilst pushing Lia out of the room. "Lita tell me what happens!," Lia shouted out as Vincent dragged her away.

"Can you please explain, Gorya, what you're doing here?"

"I'm going I'm going!," Lia mumbled as she entered the passenger seat of the Bentley. Vincent shot her a disingenuous smile before closing her door and walking over to the drivers seat. He hopped in the car and turned to see a pout Lia. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her face was turned away from him. A sigh escaped his lips before he reached over to put her seatbelt on.

"That wasn't very cash money of you, Vin. I wanted to say hi to Gorya!" she stated with a huff. "Love, you're way too sleep deprived to be thinking straight right now. Let's go see Ren, Kavin, and MJ... okay?". He was speaking to her like a toddler and she was way too jet lagged to make a rebuttal. So instead she nodded her head and watched as he shifted the gears of the car before taking off.

The passenger side window was completely rolled down. Lia was resting her head on the door frame and watching the scenery as they made their way to Kavin's home. She couldn't believe how much she missed this place. The stars were so bright even though the entire city of Bangkok was still fully lit. The cool breeze that came from the open window as they sped on the highway was soothing. Vinny smiled at her — which she returned — and reached to unpause the music. Claire de Lune was now playing softly in the background. No one else but those two would ever understand the significance of the song but it was the piece of music that made them inseparable.

Liliana remembered the day when her family was visiting the Genovese's back in Italy when she was five. She had stumbled upon a seven year old Vincent playing the piano in the music room. It was the piece Claire de Lune — one that every pianist adored — but he seemed to be struggling to hit all the keys at the same time. A small Lia approached him. She, just like him, had taken piano lessons since the day she could move her fingers. The two of them already knew each other quite well due to their parents. All he could remember about her was that her eyes were far too big for her face and her dresses looked far too luxurious for a five year old. Nevertheless, he scooted over on the piano bench. And the two of them played Claire de Lune for the entire night with smiles on their faces and laughter escaping from their mouths.

Vincent and Lia smiled at the memory. By the time the piece ended they reached Kavin's mansion. Outside of the house were the parked cars of Kavin and Ren along with MJ's motorcycle, hinting that all of the boys were over. The two of them got out of the car and walked themselves comfortably throughout Kavin's home before reaching the doors that led to the Tea room. Vinny opened the door to reveal the three boys sitting on the couches and divulging in a large array of desserts. Their heads turned to look at the two intruders. Instantly, their jaws dropped to the floor.

Lia was the first one to speak.

"Hi Ren"


Put your music recommendations here!!! I need new ones because i keep listening to the same three songs over and over...

here's ur cat if the day (don't text/drink and drive kids):

here's ur cat if the day (don't text/drink and drive kids):

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