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BEFORE WE START pls don't be mad about what happens in this chapter i was very much going through it while writing


chapter fifteen:

"Lia I'm sorry"

Liliana was looking through a rack of clothing in a store that over looked the courtyard of the clock tower. She wore a scarf over her head and her sunglasses to "disguise" herself. The only reason she was sneaking around was to be sure that her friend didn't embarrass himself again. It was also partially an excuse to sneak around and watch Gorya and Thymes date.

Currently, Thyme was standing in the courtyard. He occasionally glanced down at his phone and scanned the vicinity to see if Gorya was nearby. Whenever his eyes reached the general area where Lia was she would duck down behind the clothing racks. Thyme was wearing the god awful animal print jacket that made Lia gag in disgust every time she saw it. There were many times she tried to hide the jacket from him but, much to her dismay, he always seemed to find it within the day.

An hour had passed and there was no sign of Gorya anywhere. Storm clouds were the only thing that had come to greet Thyme. He hoped that it wouldn't rain but, of course, his hopes weren't enough. It began to rain but he was stubborn and stayed in the middle of the open courtyard. Thyme was completely drenched from head to toe. He crossed his arms around his body in hopes of warming up a bit.


Thyme looked up to see Liliana standing in front of him with an umbrella. She was no longer wearing the glasses or the scarf and her silky hair was being flown around by the wind, occasionally sticking to the side of her face. She didn't want Thyme to know she was there but when she realized he wasn't going to move even after the rain began she decided to approach him. She ditched the disguise though, of course.

"Hi," he responded in a low voice. "Do you want to go to the coffee shop right over there? you can still see the courtyard from the window," she suggested. Thyme only shook his head and continued to look around for Gorya.

"Okay... here, take my umbrella. I'll go buy another one," Lia offered. Again, Thyme shook his head.

"Thyme you can't just stay out here in the rain you'll get sick and I—"

She was cut off by Thyme yelling at her, "I don't care Liliana! I told Gorya that I was going to go on a date with her not you so just leave me alone! God you're so annoying I can't stand you!".

The rain drops hitting the concrete and her umbrella became substantially louder as the tears in her eyes began to swell up, "fine" she mumbled. Thymes eyes grew knowing fully well that he was the reason for her crying, "I didn't mean that Lia I'm sorry". He repeatedly apologized until his apologies became redundant. Instead of accepting his apologies or lashing out Lia simply gave him a weak smile and began to walk away from him.

Thyme badly wanted to chase after her and almost did. The only reason he stopped was because he could no longer feel rain pouring down on him and sensed an umbrella over his head. "Thyme," Gorya said holding the umbrella that was keeping them both dry.

"Damn it!" he yelled and flung the umbrella across the courtyard. Whether he threw it out of frustration that Gorya had taken three hours to show up to their date or out of anger that he had just hurt the feelings of someone he cared about deeply was unknown.

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