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chapter thirteen:

"I can't believe you're thinking about girls right now"

The dinner table was silent aside from the subtle noise of the cutlery hitting the porcelain plates. At the head of the long oak table sat Lia. To her right sat Vincent and Ren sat next to him. To her left sat Kavin and MJ. They had all helped themselves to the bread rolls that the chef had served for appetizers — but not before Lia and Vinny got up and bowed to thank the chef in a routine fashion. The other three were surprised by their actions and reluctantly got up to give their own small bows to the chef.

"So... how do you know each other?" Kavin asked in hopes of breaking the awkward silence. Vincent and MJ made eye contact before MJ decided to respond, "How could I not know Vincent Genovese?". Kavin blinked. Normally he was great at identifying the influential family names — at least in Thailand — but foreigners were not his forte. Lia seemed to catch on to his confusion. "The Genovese family is the head of the Italian mafia," she said reaching for another bread roll.

"HUH?" exclaimed Kavin and Ren. Sure they knew that MJ's family ran a lot of sketchy things but they weren't nearly as well known as the classic Italian mafia. "His family knows mine," responded Vinny in between mouthfuls of bread. A loud noise echoed in the dining room as Lia slapped Vinny in the arm. She then proceeded to scold him for eating with his mouthful causing him to whimper like a stray puppy and spew out "i'm sorry" after every comment she made.

The other three were astonished to see that Vincent was so easily submissive around her. The rest of the dinner seemed to pass by quicker as the F4 boys began to become friends with Vinny.

"Mira!," Lia yelled out as she hugged the girl. Currently, she was at the airport with MJ, Kavin, and Thyme to see off their friend. Lia was trying her hardest not to let tears spring to her eyes. She and Mira promised that they would keep in contact and that they would visit each other often.

The two girls let go of each other's embrace. "Thank you for coming to see me off. You had to wake up early," Mira said.

"No problem Mira," said Kavin, "It's good we came here, this place is full of beautiful ladies". His latter comment resulted in a hit from Lia.

Rapidly, the sound of footsteps was approaching the group. All of them turned to look into that direction and spotted Gorya. "Mira!" the running girl yelled before embracing her. They began to have a conversation with one another but were just barley out of earshot from the others.

"I can't believe you're thinking about girls right now. Your friend is literally moving to France," muttered Lia. "So? She understands," retorted MJ. In the blink of an eye Lia began to chase MJ and Kavin around until she eventually ruffled up their hair to the point to where their attractiveness went down at least a level or two. Thyme laughed at the scene causing Lia to snap her head in his direction.

"Thyme, why didn't you come to dinner?," she asked. His face wrinkled in disgust, "why would I? Ren was there and he still hasn't apologized to me" he said with a huff. Lia, MJ, and Kavin sighed. The little feud that was going on between the two was annoying at this point. "Well you missed out your chance to meet Vinny".

"Who's Vinny?" Thyme asked.

"Vincent Genovese. He's Lia's friend from childhood," responded Kavin. "Yeah!," exclaimed MJ, "He's actually really sick! I think you'd like him".

Liliana spotted Ren from afar and took this as an opportunity to leave to go speak with the girls.

"If I were you I would be careful about Vinny," Kavin whispered into Thymes ear, "He's definitely attractive enough for get her to fall in love with him".

"What are you talking about," denied Thyme.

Kavin smiled meekly, "I know you have a crush on Liliana".


also for reference.... we are literally at episode 3 in the timeline so the next few chapters may be a bit longer or cut out a lot of non necessary scenes to catch up :)

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