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chapter twelve:

"Despacito is not the epitome of Spanish music!"

It was the following day and the sun was as bright and as beautiful as ever. Liliana breathed in the fresh air. Earlier that morning Ren had asked her to come over via text. She agreed, obviously. Going over to Ren's house for any reason was a much better way to spend her time than to go to school.

Currently, she was leaning against her car door while her eyes wandered around the front garden of his house. A maid opened the door of the estate and ushered her in with a sense of urgency. Clearly, Ren had something important to tell her.

The maid led Lia into Ren's room. He was painting away at some landscape that looked half completed and particularly bland compared to his other paintings. When he finally noticed her presence he gestured to the bed and put his paint brushes away. Liliana sat down on the unmade bed and chuckled at the amount of paint splatters she could see on the tile floor.

"Mira is going to go live in France".

Her head shot up in surprise at his sudden announcement. She normally would have pushed to get more information out of him but noticed the pained look on his face. Instead she opted to scoot closer to where he was sitting and listen to his thoughts. She knew he was going to tell her, after all, that's the whole reason he had asked her to come over, she just didn't expect him to be as distraught as he was.

By the time he finished explaining that Mira was leaving to be a full time philanthropist Lia's eyes had begun to water. She sympathised deeply with the hurt that her friend was going through and felt guilty that she had indirectly caused Mira to make the decision. But she didn't apologize. Why would she? Liliana never told Mira to be a philanthropist, Mira simply realized she wanted to be one after seeing Lia. If that meant that Mira was going to go and live out her dreams then Lia felt that she had nothing to be sorry for. When Kavin and MJ entered the room after the conversation ended they were greeted with a painting Ren and a puffy-eyed Liliana.

"Let's go somewhere quiet and find something fun to do," MJ said inviting them. For the first time since he received the news about Mira's departure, Ren gave a half-assed smile. The girl on the bed simply nodded before wiping her eyes again.

Kavin and MJ were the best people to have fun with. The four of them went to a yacht owned by one of the boys. The salty air from the ocean lifted up the spirits of Ren and Lia — although their spirits were mostly lifted up by their two other friends. Lia was giggling away as she threw inflatable pool toys at MJ and in no time her guilt slowly melted away. Ren smiled at the scene. He badly wanted to be angry at Lia for giving Mira the reasoning to move to France but he couldn't. There was no way he could be mad at her.

"MJ!" Lia screeched as the boy picked her up and tossed her into the sea. She resurfaced and wiped the water off of her face, "I'm not wearing a bathing suit you dumbass!". MJ's response was to laugh loudly and jump in after her. "Come on let's go!," Kavin said with an arm around Ren.

And that's how they all ended up swimming in the ocean fully clothed.

The Nakamura household was bustling life. When Liliana returned home she noticed that the house workers were dusting and cleaning furniture with more urgency than usual. She made her way to a familiar individual as she attempted to not get in the way of the others and asked him what was going on.

"Ms. Nakamura haven't you heard? The youngest member for the Genovese family arrived today and will be staying for a week".

Liliana nodded. The Genovese family somehow became friends with the Nakamura family outside of any high class social settings. It was of no surprise that Vincent Genovese had come to visit. The only issue was that Vincent's personality was awful. He was the exact opposite of Lia in most ways. The only thing the two had in common was their obnoxious amount of wealth and of course, their legendary families. The difference between that though was that the Nakamura family was adored by the public as a group of Philanthropist and technologically advanced individuals whilst the Genovese family was feared. After all, they are the descendants of the oldest and largest Italian mafia family to ever exist.

Suddenly she groaned remembering that she had invited her friends over earlier that day. When she was on the yacht it seemed like a good idea to invite them over for dinner since she was having such a great time. But now, she regretted her decision. She pulled out her phone to send the boys a text to cancel but Kavin and her seemed to share the same brain cell. He had just messaged her that they were on their way to her house. There was no way she could cancel now, it would be incredibly rude of her to do so.

Liliana let out a desperate groan and made her way to her fathers pool room. Vincent would definitely be there and she, unfortunately, was going to have to invite him to dinner with Kavin, MJ, and Ren.

"Despacito is not the epitome of spanish music!"

Laughter exploded in a honey-sweet tone out of Vincent's mouth and rang in her ears. Vinny was playing a game of pool by himself since Liliana was terrible at the game. She had attempted to play a game with him but gave up after she missed for her fourth time. He was doing anything he could to rile up the girl by sprouting the most aggravating things. His most recent one was saying that Despacito was the best song to exist.

She was enjoying herself with Vincent. After all, the two had known each other since childhood. In a way, they were similar to Mira and Ren minus the fact that neither of them had attachment issues. They actually preferred their long-distance friendship. It made it easier to handle.

The doors of the pool room swung open and in came a dramatic Kavin followed by a tired Ren and a happy MJ carrying an order of KFC that he had brought for Lia to try. "Guys you're here!," exclaimed Lia as she jumped off the pool table, "this is my friend—"

"Vincent?" interrupted a voice.

The brunette boy spun around to face the direction of that had called out his name and responded loudly, "MJ??".


Hello!!!! I hope you all are doing well! I hope you guys like Vincent! I decided to write him in because I needed a way for MJ and Lia to talk more and to give you all a bit more background into Lia's life :)

Let me know hot you felt about this chapter btw because it was a lot more original scenes than just the ones in the show

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