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chapter seven:

All he could focus on was her

"Thyme! Just the backstabber I wanted to see."

The next few moments felt like they were in slow motion. Somehow the short girl sprinted up the stairs to the balcony Thyme was on. He didn't even have enough time to react before she grabbed him by the ear and dragged him along with her, occasionally bumping him into walls "accidentally".

Thyme was whining by repeating "ow" over and over again. Multiple times he tried to escape her but ultimately failed. The grip on his ear would just tighten after ever attempt. For some reason the girl had superhuman strength. She managed to drag him all the way outside of his house after waving goodbye to the maid. Lia shoved Thyme into the passenger seat of her car and quickly got into the drivers seat.

The child lock was instantly enabled which prevented Thyme from unlocking the door. Eventually, he gave up and sat in the seat sulking with his arms crossed over his chest. Lia sighed and reached over to buckle him in, "safety first" she said before proceeding to slam her foot on the gas. This simple gesture flustered Thyme. Sure, his friends were well versed in women and relationships but he wasn't. He hadn't even had his first kiss yet! It was a no brainer that he would be flustered by a pretty girl being so close to him. She had gotten so close that he was able to notice the freckles that adorned her green eyes. Her perfume was addictive and controlling his brain. All he could focus on was her.

Gorya yelled profanities out on the rooftop of the school building. She was on her last straw with the constant harassment she had received over the past few days.

"What kind of person shouts this stuff from the rooftop?"

Gorya turned around slowly to face Ren. The rooftop had always been his private spot so she should have remembered that he was most likely in the vicinity. In her defense, she forgot. But it was sort of a good thing that she saw him again. She took the opportunity to thank Ren from saving her — twice. Ren responded by teasing her about kicking Thyme whilst he continued to sketch.

They stood in a comfortable silence. The air was blowing at just the right amount and the sound of birds created a harmony. "Let me ask you something," began Ren, "If you flew from France at 5 am, what time would you arrive in Thailand?" Gorya pondered his question before responding, "I don't know. Why do you ask?"
Ren smiled at her, "Never mind then".

Meanwhile, Lia and Thyme were sat on swings in the middle of a park. After a silent car ride Lia was finally able to control her temper and prevent herself from kicking Thyme out of her car into oncoming traffic. On the other hand, Thyme was confused. He wasn't sure how to feel about anything anymore.

"Why did you grab my ear??" whined Thyme. Lia giggled and shrugged her shoulders, "My mom is Spanish, I've seen her do it before and it always seemed to get the job done". Lia reached to see if his ear was still red and he winced. She apologised but said he deserved it.

"So what happened back there at the stadium," asked Lia, "Why was she trying to punch you?" Thyme groaned and put his head between his hands, "Lia I think I messed up really bad". She got off of her swing and crouched down in front of him. If anyone was to watch them from afar it would look like a mother trying to console their crying child. Lia ruffled his hair and lifted his head out of his hands.

Both of them held eye contact. Lia was the first to speak, "I won't force you to tell me if you're not ready but I really think you should apologise to Gorya and cancel her red card". He nodded in response. Typically, Thyme would fight against anything anyone told him. He never liked when people ordered him around. But the girl in front of his was so enchanting that he felt like he was slowly losing himself in her presence. Liliana had him in a trance. If she asked him to jump off of a building at this very moment he would do so without any hesitation.

After their heart to heart conversation Thyme invited Lia to go back to his place to hang out with Kavin and MJ. She agreed, seeing as she had nothing better to do on a Wednesday evening, and drove back to his estate.

Apparently Thyme had a thing for forgetting to mention things to people because Kavin and MJ were dumbfounded to see Thyme and Liliana walking in the room together. Thyme lazily introduced them to one another before picking up a VR headset and beginning to play a game.

The other two boys made eye contact with one another. "Sorry about him, he's sort of an idiot. I'm Kavin, nice to meet you love" he said with a wink. "And you can call me MJ," the other boy said while shaking her hand. Lia abruptly clapped her hands, "you two are the guys I saw on my first day! Pleasure to meet you I'm—"

"Liliana Nakamura," the two boys said in unison, "we know." The girl was taken aback by their weird synchronised speech, "o..okay?". Kavin turned to Thyme who was sitting on the bed with the car headset on and violently waving around the controllers. "What ever happened with Gorya?" Kavin asked Thyme. Thyme sighed and began to explain everything two the other three.

"YOU KIDNAPPED HER??" all three of them yelled. Kavin, MJ, and Lia looked at each other in utter disbelief. How could their friend think that the logical solution to his situation was to kidnap a girl "You're lucky you're rich and pretty because you're literally stupid" Lia said after sighing deeply.

Thyme stood up from his bed in annoyance and grabbed his car keys on the dresser. Kavin called out to him, "Hey, where are you going?" Thyme opened the door to the room and walked out, "I'm going to find Ren". Lia, MJ, and Kavin stood in shock as they heard the sound of Thymes car driving off.

" I literally drove him here what the fuck."

School seemed to finally have eased up after Goryas red card was revoked. Lia, Gorya, and Hana were texting their plans to sneak out of school to eat lunch together. Liliana was walking from her car in the parking lot to the school building when she received the text that Hana had received the red card. Fortunately for her — and unfortunately for them — Kavin and MJ were at her heels walking along side her. The three became good friends the night before after Thyme left.

Quickly, she spun around and showed the two the text. Kavin and MJ's eyes went wide as they denied knowing anything about the red card on Hana. She believed them. It wasn't a stretch to think that Thyme impulsively gave the card out without consoling the rest of the group. MJ sighed and began pushing the girl to walk away from the direction of the main school building. "Where are we going???"

Kavin sighed and followed behold them, "we're going to where Thyme is".

1244 words

What did we feel after seeing ep 12 today??? I have no clue whether I love or hate Lita so I'm very excited for the story line / dynamic that I have planned between Lalita and Liliana.

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