Chapter 11: Beginnings in Shadows and Blood

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Lue: This isn't how it was supposed to be. This is not how things were supposed to end up. I was supposed to be happy, I was supposed to have a good life. I was supposed to hunt down the forces that threatened this world, and aid in keeping my friends, family, and everyone I loved safe. This was not supposed to happen. It just wasn't. So why did it? Where did everything go wrong? It doesn't matter if we were once friends, or if they showed me any smiles or warmth. It doesn't matter that we once shared a table, or secrets. All that matter is that they betrayed me, and I will take my revenge.
Intro: Welcome To The Show (I greatly apologize for taking this long to come up with an intro, but here is it!)

Sapphire walks along the streets of Concordia, people in the background are all grey silhouettes with darkness slowly eating away at the scene.
She continues walking, her steps obviously labored as she stumbles quite a bit, the darkness begins to consume the grey silhouetted people. She falls to her knees as the darkness encloses around her, leaving only a small circle where she sits on her knees, face looking down. A single tear falls from her face as the darkness breaks to reveal armies of Fel standing in place of the people. Creatures ranging from Grieveteeth to Sons of Cinder. The camera moves toward a building in front of Sapphire, where a number of Hunter-Slayers guard it. Above them stands Audrey, Xian, Neo Noire, Nana, Nyx, and Zed. At the top of the building Spider-Slayer, Lue, Neo, and Vigilante stand. The masked serial killee is in the middle and looks down on Sapphire, offering out a hand with a dark smile underneath his mask. Sapphire's hands turn into fists and she looked up toward her family's killer with anger in her eyes. The area around her explodes into a pillar of light as she is suddenly surrounded by her friends and allies. Roman, Shayna, and Kaze stand to her left. Gwyn, Andreios, Savin, and Tsuki stand to her right. Behind her all of the students and staff of Ascension, Hunter, S.T.R.I.K.E., and various other people stand behind her. Shayna and Gwyn both offer her a hand to held her up with smiles. Sapphire takes their hands and stands on her feet, giving Spider-Slayer and confident look and getting ready to fight. He directs his forces to attack with a gesture. The two forces begin to clash, while Sapphirw and her team make their way toward the building, supported along the way by everyone else. They run up the building at the villains, as they run down at them. The two teams clash. Kaze against Vigilante, Roman against Neo, Shayna against Lue, and Sapphire against Spider-Slayer. He is knocked back a bit and Sapphire continues the attack. The various fights continue until Spider-Slayer summons a ball of dark energy in his hand, while Sapphire creates one of pure light. Both launch an attack at each other and explode in a show of color and light. The camera pans up to show a picture of the moon going from white to blood red, and as the music begins to play again a shadowy spider symbol appears on it with glowing red eyes. As the music crackles and distorts so does the screen, fading out to the words MSTC: A Light in The Shadows of Blood, a RWBY-inspired story.
Third POV:
That's right. Everything was wrong (for her), and yet right (for them). This world was broken. Unbroken. Broken. Unbroken. Broken. Unbroken. As Lue ran out, holding the new scar she now had, she looked at her new girlfriend and comrades, who were helping her head out while she reeled in pain. Team MSTC and Gwyn quickly went through the door, seeing that The Spider-Slayer and his allies head out the same time, before Kaze dashes at them.

Kaze: Spider-Slayer!

Sapphire: Kaze, wait!

Unfortunately, the brown-haired ninja couldn't hear her, but suddenly, with what appeared to be coming out of The Mirror Dimension, did Vigilante appear, punching Kaze in the stomach. The punch was hard and sent him flying into a storage crate.

Spider-Slayer/Team MSTC (Mystic) Volume 1: A Light in The Shadows of BloodWhere stories live. Discover now