Chapter 3: Leap into The Flames

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Third POV:
The entire world was consumed in fire and darkness, or at least that's what The Spider-Slayer thought as he looked down from his vantage point from a building standing high above the streets of Oyrasas. The city appeared to be burning, and roaming the streets were armies of shadowy beings and mondyers that killed whatever was unlucky enough to cross their paths. This scene should have been horrifying to him, but he couldn't help but feel the demonic smile on his face underneath his mash as he viewed it. Destruction and death seemed to own the entire city, and there was nothing that could be done to stop it. Spider-Slayer simply stepped off the building and slowly fell down to the ground, landing softly among the chaos and watching as the monsters turned and paused as he walked passed them.  They knew who he was, the power he held, and they were his weapons now. He passed by mounds of dead bodies which were set aflame by his very presence. Finally, Spider-Slayer found himself in front of a window, a laugh escaping his mouth and a massive pair of red eyes filled a certain girl's mind until she was shocked out of her sleep by a sudden push.

Sapphire POV:
Shayna: Come on, Saph! Wake up! We're going to be late!

I slowly got up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, trying to banish the nightmare from mu mind. It must have been a holdover from the news Shayna dropped last night. Yeah, simple as that. At least I hoped it was as simple as that. I yawned and grabbed the bottle of water I had next to me and remembered Kaze, the ninja boy I met last night. Two people in a single day that I met and got along with, the very idea of it was kind of exciting if I'm gonna being honest. I turned towards Shayna and noticed her eyes trailing a few of the guys as they woke up and decided to keep that little encounter to myself though. Shayna can be great, but also a massive pain in the ass. We got up and went toward the bathroom with their change of clothes in hand, taking quick but cold showers and changing into their battle gear.

Shayna: (Looks at Sapphire) So, I hear the teams are getting picked today. You nervous?

Sapphire: (Shakes head) No, I don't think so.

If I was asked yesterday, the answer would have been a loud yes, but after meeting people and talking to them, I felt like even if I didn't get teamed up with Shayna, I could survive. A smile formed on her face and she gave me a hug.

Shayna: Come on, let's go get some breakfast, apparently Beacon has some of the best food on the planet!

I nodded and walked with my friend toward the mess hall.

Third POV:
Narrator: Let us tell the tale of a girl, clad in a red hood. Perhaps you know of the story. Let us tell the tale of a different caped-clad girl. For those that are the faint of heart, you may wish to put your story down, the grimm tale of the girl born from light, and taken in by the shadows.

????: (Panting)

A young girl couldn't keep running for much longer. Her mother had died right in front of her eyes, and her sister had run off after her father. Fel were on the tail of her cloak. She hated The Fel from when she first learned about them. And now, she had another reason to despise them: They killed her mother.

Grieveteeth. They were big, they were vicious, and they were savage.

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Spider-Slayer/Team MSTC (Mystic) Volume 1: A Light in The Shadows of BloodWhere stories live. Discover now