Chapter 7: Ignition Spark (Part 1)

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Third POV:
Roman Torchwick had a certain way that he liked to wake up every morning, which was trained into every team of the service staff at his mansion back home. Each day they would wake him up to a fresh cup of tea, two spoons of sugar and a dash of honey, the right smell to wake him up. Not that he actually drank it, tea was a commoner's drink as far as he was concerned. No it was just a nice smell to wake up too. He would then proceed to go down to his indoor gym, a personal training helping him go through various exercises to train every bit of his body to tip top shape. Following that was a light breakfast, studying, and then assorted other activities depending on the day. Which was to say when a whistle went off right next to his ear at seven in the morning he was a little more than surprised. Despite years of training the most the young man could do to being woken up by the sound was to fall flat on his face out of the bed in a mad rush to defend himself in a half asleep state.

Shayna: Good morning, Team MSTC!

Shayna spat out the whistle in her mouth and grinned toward her newly founded team. Kaze rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and gave a loud yawn but seemed to adapt a bit faster than Roman, stretching himself out. Sapphire woke up with a small yawn but seemed to take the whistle blowing in stride. One could only know Shayna for so long before this kind of thing became the norm after all.

Shayna: I will now be giving the floor to our amazing and beautiful team leader, Sapphire!

Shayna jumped onto Kaze's bed and landed directly on his lap, using him as a comfortable chair, making the ninja uncomfortable.

Sapphire: (Scratches back of her head and smils ackwardly) Um.......Right. So with this being our first official day as a team, I thought it might be useful for us to do a team building exercise together, something to help bring us closer together as both teammates and friends.

Hopefully one that didn't involve having their lives put into danger by the appearance of an S-Class Fel.

Kaze: (Raises hand) Could our first task be throwing away all of Roman's boxes before it collapses on us and we drown under a sea of junk?

With that said, all four of the young Hunters to be turned their heads to the left corner of the room and the massive pillar of objects that had been stacked on top of each other the previous night to make enough room for all of them to sleep, each marked with "Property of Roman Torchwick". The stack reached all the way to the roof, was stacked fast enough to make it very likely to fall over with just one wrong breeze.

Shayna: (Smiles) I second this agreement, I say we burn them and dance on the ashes.

Roman: (Stands up) WHAT?! (Points at them) No! I veto that vote!

Shayna: (Jumps, grins, and crosses arms) Only the leader has veto power, your request for a veto has to be approved by the chairmen of affairs.

Roman: (Blinks in confusion) Chairmen of what? Who the hell is the chairmen of affairs?

Kaze: (Raises hand) Right here.

Roman: What?! (Throws hands in the air) I didn't vote for you, I demand a reelection.

Kaze: Denied. It's a lifelong commitment, and I don't take those lightly you know, wouldn't be very responsible of me if I gave away my position after only having it for a few hours.

At this point the orange-haired young man was without words, simply sputtering impotently and moving his arms in very violent pantomimes.

Sapphire: (Stands up and chuckling) As funny as it is I think I have a better idea.

Saph reached back onto her bed and laid out a small map of the room along with locations for them to store their things, which seemed like it would fit the majority of what was there for the group.

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