Chapter 1: A Light in The Dark

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Third POV:
Narrator: Some things change, and yet others stay the same. The wheel of destiny always has its game set, but sometimes it can be played with different pieces in different positions. The game and its rules never change, but sometimes small events do. How will the future change when these small details are mixed and matched, and the world as some know it is flipped on its head?

A girl named Sapphire Sword sighed as she walked around Oyrasas's streets as the sun went down on the horizon, more content than she had been for as long as she could remember.

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(Appearance and outfit)Sapphire POV:In a few days, I would be receiving my reply to the request letter send to Acension Academy, a school that would train me to be the best of the best, a Huntress who could defend humanity from the terrible force ...

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(Appearance and outfit)
Sapphire POV:
In a few days, I would be receiving my reply to the request letter send to Acension Academy, a school that would train me to be the best of the best, a Huntress who could defend humanity from the terrible force of the Fel, demons, monsters, and finally begin to use my abilities for true good. But before that, I would need to stop in and pick up some Dust for school supplies, after all even if she didn't make it in I could use the Dust for around the house purposes. My family wasn't quite poor enough for the academy to cover the costs of all the stuff I would need to attend, so that meant the Dust I got would have to be paid for out of pocket. Of course, it was already rather late and there weren't too many places open at this time of night. I mentally cursed Shayna for making me sit through a stupid second movie, though I had to admit that the movie was one of the better ones I'd seen in a while. Finally, I came to a pause in front of a small store, which not only seemed to be open but actually had both powder and crystal Dust. Hmm......"From Dust Till Dawn"? I had to admit that the store's name was a bit hokey, but who was I to complain at the time? I entered the store and was quickly greeted by the old man behind the counter.

Shopkeeper: Can I help you today miss?


I nodded a bit, reaching into my purse and pulling out a few Lien to show him that I was a paying costumer.

Spider-Slayer/Team MSTC (Mystic) Volume 1: A Light in The Shadows of BloodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant