Chapter 4: The Blackwoods: A Landing Light (Part 1)

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Narrator: At the beginning of time there was darkness and light. From the light rose humanity; strong, resourceful, and full of life. From the darkness rose The Blood-Nights; cold, destructive, and born only for bringing death. They lived in a divided world, when the sun rose humans would roam the planet, and when the darkness consumed the land, the Blood-Nights and monsters would wander and destroy all things humanity had created. Eventually the family decided that they wanted to erase the very existence of light and drown the world in eternal darkness, making the monsters attack during the day. This is the beginning of the story. But first, this tale is not for the faint of heart. For it is the story of a princess trapped in a castle, never to be let out of her room. Tainted by loneliness to the point she made companions with the ones who are no longer among the living. Her name, was Nyx Flaye
Nyx: Why......Why am I not allowed to leave?

Nyx Flaye was trapped in her room in the Flaye manor, the only things around her were her books, her bed, there was a small lamp on the nightstand nearby the bed, a television set with a game console, some training equipment, and an old dust experiment kit on a nearby desk.

Nyx: Why can't I leave, daddy?

He never answered the question. He would always just look to a small framed photo. He would never let her see him cry. He would always get a servant to escort her to her room. One day, she found they locked her in. Her father had used his workers to make it so she could still get food by a small pulley system they had installed.

Nyx: Dad, what's the outside like?

He would only say that it was dangerous, and that it wasn't a place for a precious snowflake like her. He would always talk about the darkness of the world; The Fel, the demons, the nightmares, The Ten Kit Empire extremists, the various thugs, and the crime organizations that plagued the world.

Nyx: W-What? T-That can't be all!

She would always read about the hunters and huntresses, and how they would save people. How they kept people safe. She wanted to be a huntress, she wanted to purge the world of the darkness that had taken it. When her father found out, he had not said a word about the matter.

Nyx: Dad........What happened to all my books on those heroes?

He had taken them. He refused to let her get any ideas. Yes, she would train, but it was all on how to run away from a fight, never on how to fight back. Despite her pleas, he would not let up. She turned to her dust kit... Perhaps she could make a weapon to fight back with. Her first attempt involved mixing various types of Dust to create a small explosive vial to push back foes.

Nyx: I........I can defend myself father! can I please see the outside? I want to know what it feels like to run barefoot on the grass!

He had confiscated her vials of explosive Dust. But Nyx was smart. She hid them in a little nook in her room. Her father had only gotten two vials. She still had the formula, and dozens of other vials in her hiding place. It was odd, she hadn't noticed the nook before, but when she thought of telling her father, she instinctively hid some in the nook. She had also found a note.

"Don't trust father. Don't trust him. Never trust him."

Nyx hadn't known why the note said that. Father might be strict, but he was only protective......Right? She had never even seen her mother, maybe he wanted to make sure that history wouldn't repeat itself. The signature at the end of the note was greatly smudged, it was nearly impossible to make it out. Nearly. It took some time, but she could just make out the name: Ceila Flaye.

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