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// NO ONE'S POV //

Leorio kept meeting you once in 2 days, refilling your food and pills and stuff. But Gon and Killua were not there to meet you so that made you feel bad but maybe they had a good reason to not show up.


After a well deserved 2 week rest, you got out of the closed room. But as soon as you did there was an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach, which sent your stomach churning and doing back flips. Yet you strode out into the sun. Gon, Leorio and Killua were all standing out of the hotel, speaking amongst themselves. The sun was blazing but the weather felt strangely pleasent. It was a weird phenomenon but it was nature after all. A silhoutte swept above your head, shadowing it for a second but that second didn't go unnoticed by you as you swiftly turned your head to only catch a glimpse of the cape that the person was wearing.

It was that symbol. The same one you saw painted on the ground 2 weeks ago. You couldn't possibly let the person to take away another life in your presence so you ran back into the building and towards the top floor. Upon reaching, you started to jump from one rooftop to another hoping to find the person. There blew a gust of wind pressing against your back, urging you to pick up speed and so you did, activating en and zetsu at the same time. You started to sweat suddenly, as the sun was doing its job up there alright. Due to the scorching sun on the top of your head, you couldn't see the person but sense them, thanks to zetsu. You skid to a stop all of a sudden.

The person.......

Their presence is gone...... Like it vanished completely.

Cursing your luck and their nen, you sprinted back bcoz you had no choice as you couldn't see nor sense the person.

'Maybe they are quite strong. Even stronger than me. But its just a maybe'

'Where were you for so long?" All three males asked at the same time with concern lacing their voice. Leorio continued, "You came out right after me, didn't you? And when I turned around after reaching here to look at you, only to not see you anywhere near worried me. Is everything okay?"

"Yes! I just came out of that cramped up space, so I got distracted when I saw all these wonderful colours again is all." You tried to reassure him whilst mentally yelling 'that's the best you could come up with. Really y/n?!' over and over again. Leorio seemed to be fooled completely somehow. It left you wondering 'adults these days.' They further decided to make you catch up on shit. By starting off with getting kidnapped by the phantom troupe to meeting kurapika and getting kidnapped by the troupe again and all about the auction and how they encountered 2 of the troupe members in the auction hall and all about the game greed island. (Assume all this took 2 weeks coz yo author too lazy to do research on the exact time span😗✌️)

Took you a minute to register all this.

Especially the part where they get kidnapped twice. 'Like who are they, kids?! Well technically they are, but shouldn't they be a little more responsible? Atleast in my absence.' You thought. 'But no, these kids will find a way to get into trouble. They are like a trouble magnet. Attracting all worlds trouble with them.'

You started speaking to yourself about their carelessness and how you shouldn't leave them alone with an ADULT like Leorio. Well what could you do now? There was no point in yelling at them after all of this happened. "So tomorrow we have to show off to get into the game? And you're telling me all of this now?" Trying your best to sound calm when in reality irritation was evident on your face you continued, "It's okay. I'm cool. WE'RE ALL FUCKING COOL!!" Many eyes of the people on the road were on you. Killua and Gon looked at everyone apologitically then looked at you. "Eh- don't worry. We know you're strong so you'll make it." And you did. So right now you were standing in a line to play rock paper scissors with the "choosen slot". 'Fuck my luck.' You were the 20th one in while Gon and Killua were entering before you. 'So much for being the 20th.' You thought, clearly agitated.


As you enter the game through the stairs, a cool breeze hits you in the face bringing you into the grassy fields which stretched as far as your sight reached. It also made you realise the number of prying eyes on you, waiting to strike at the right moment. Running towards Gon and Killua who were waiting for you like true friends or maybe bcoz you threatened them to wait or die by your hands any which ways together you all started to walk away from the stairs. A man immediately appeared in front of you all and summoned his book. Then released some sort of spell on Killua. It aimed right at him and even though Killua tried to dodge it, it wouldn't stop until the target was hit and so it did. "Are you feeling okay?" Gon asked with concern as you looked at him in concern as well.

"Yeah. I don't feel strange." Dismissing your concerns Killua started walking ahead so you and Gon followed suit. Soon enough, a ringing cut through the casual conversation you all were having and you identified the sound as the ringing of your own phone. A name popped up on the screen which made you smile like an idiot. 'Dai' showed the caller name. Your smile was soon replaced by a frown when you heard someone sniffling and sobbing on the other side.

Hey, it's me having a bad hair day. Also, i just wanted to inform you all that the next update would be up to you. So vote for this chapter. My next update would be when this one recieves 5 votes. Love you all and stay hydrated, bitches.

The Crazy life of an ordinary girl. (Killua x reader)Where stories live. Discover now