"You work two jobs, can I ask how much you make?" Kurva asked the (h/c)-haired girl, but she stayed silent, not sure whether she should be telling what she earn to random people. But Kurva chuckled when she didn't answer "Well, you're not full-time, and you're underage so I'm guessing it's between 400 and 600... By your face, I'd say I'm right" her smile now changed to a proud sly smirk "The job I'm offering would give you 4,000 a month if you proved profitable. In any case, the basic earnings are 1,000" (Y/n)'s eyes widened at the numbers, and she couldn't even think of a job that could give her that much. 

"What job is it?" the curiosity got the best of her as any trace of suspicion and alert completely faded away. 

Instead of answering Kurva snapped her head to the side, where the rest of the streets were. Her smile dropped slightly before she turned to (Y/n) again and spoke: "I'm afraid we don't have much more time, honey" she said, now with her previous smile back on her face. 

"What? Why?" (Y/n) asked confused by this whole situation and her subtle and ephemeral change of mood. 

"Here's my card. Give it a thought" she said before she pointed with her chin towards the direction she had looked before. 

(Y/n) followed her gesture and saw Kakashi walking toward them with an expression more serious than his usual. She looked back at the woman, even more confused, but she had completely disappeared. She took a few steps into the alley, looking around and at the rooftops, but there was no trace of her, not even from her perfume. 

"Who was that?" Kakashi said as soon as he arrived. 

"I don't know, she said her name was Kurva" she explained, looking at the card with a frown. Getting more and more puzzled as the seconds passed "She wanted me to work with her"

"Work as what" he asked, sounding as curious and suspicious as she was earlier. 

"She didn't say," (Y/n) said, looking at him and letting this weird exchange go "she only gave me this" she added, giving him the card after she saw he was still doubtful. 

He took it and inspected it, but as he saw the card had nothing but her name he looked at her with an arched brow. She shrugged her shoulders with an amused smile. In the end, he returned the card.

"Why were you here?" he asked as soon as they started walking out of the place. 

"Because I was waiting for you?" (Y/n) asked, thinking his question absurd. She thought it was obvious after he always walked her home. Even if they had never talked about it or made an agreement about him doing it, it just happened every day as long as he was in Konoha. 

"I'm two hours late. How did you know I was going to come?" he asked, looking at her directly. Something he didn't use to do as he would prefer to give her a side glance. She shrugged. 

"I hoped you would"

"What if I hadn't?" he asked with a frown that was almost covered by his silver bangs. 

"I guess I would have kept waiting" she shrugged with a small giggle, not understanding why he was asking so many questions. It wasn't common for him, but she didn't mind. 

"How's your arm?" he asked once he was looking back at the front and settled with looking at her from the corner of his eyes again. She huffed internally, sad that she couldn't stare at his heterochromatic eyes and interesting scar directly again. 

"It hurts less," she stopped looking at him as well and instead looked at her arm, inspecting the cast. A smile was painted on her face when she remembered something "Today I heard Retha talking," she started, making his eyes set on her again, but of course, only sideways "She said it was weird because the man who did this to my wrist didn't come today, but he normally comes every day. Once after lunch and all night until we close. What do you think happened?" she asked curiously, turning her attention to him. He averted his eyes from her to the front.

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