Chapter 17: Final Showdown

Start from the beginning

- Jesus, kid, and you told me you wasn't hungry.

- Well, maybe I was...

- So how's your wounds now?

- Oh right, - I decided to look them around and now... Big holes from the chainsaw and the knife was nothing more, but the small scratches. After seeing something like that - my eyes widened, - Wha... HOW?!

- I dunno, - he only shrugged, - Probably some healing magic or something. But it works.

- Thanks I guess...

- No problem. You'll pay me for this one. Oh and by the way, if you're in such a hurry - this elevator is not working right now.

- FUCK! - I exclaimed in frustration.

- Relax, dude. There is another elevator in the Core. Working one this time.

- Thank you for help! Bye! - I shouted to him while I was running straight to the Core.

- Sure, kid. Don't kill yourself there, will ya?

Soon I got to the Core and this place was... Far more technological than I ever expected. I didn't even see something like that on the surface in the first place and these walls... Everything looked here like I wasn't in some sort of building, but I just entered some big-ass TV or something. Air in this place was heated up as well even more than in Hotland. I suppose, that's because this place just filled with technologies.

But I tried not to think about it too much... Elevator-elevator... WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?! Oh here it is.

I rushed to the elevator and started to repediately push the button over and over again as if it'll make the elevator arrive faster until this slow thing finally arrived. After that I ran into the elevator and started to search the right floor.

Damn, this Core has a lot of floors, so I decided to choose the highest one.

As soon as it lifted me up to the right floor, I ran out of it again and looked around. This floor of Core looked just the same as first, so I got confused at first. But soon I noticed some strange arch heading somewhere. This strange entry looked like I was about to enter some disco-show or something like that, because this thing repediately shimmered in different colors. Looks like this is the only way.

I entered this big and pretty dark room that was dimly lit by red lights, but very soon I understood where was I...

Undyne. She stood right in the center of this room and as soon as I came close enough - she looked at me.

- JUST LOOK WHO IT IS! - Undyne exclaimed in her usual loud voice.

- Listen, I really don't have time for this, - I sighed in annoyance. I wasn't afraid anymore... Chara was there, somewhere and with each second I'm failing my promise even more.

- SILENCE! - she shouted at me and summoned her blue magic spear, - You. You and that psycho are the threat to the whole monster kind! You and that freak killed the whole Underground, RUINED MY CAREER! And it's my duty to bring your souls to our king! As ex-Royal Guard I command you to give up! Now!

- No way. Now let me through, - I coldly answered and then simply continued to walk foward, but Undyne only attacked me. I dodged it, but she just started to annoy me.

- I'LL BECOME FAMOUS AGAIN BY KILLING BOTH OF YOU! - she attacked again, but I simply dodged that as well.

- I'll give you last chance: step aside.

- You dare to threaten me?! HA! You stand no chance against me, weak human. Prepare yourself, because your death will be my final showdown! NGAAAAH!! - Undyne shouted out loud her battle cry and tried her best to attack me once again.


Undyne stands in my way...

She stands between me and Chara...

Between me... And my promise.


Suddenly Undyne's eyes widened in shock since I stabbed her "nature" neck with my knife. She freezed in one place as if still trying her best to attack me, but her body wasn't responding anymore.

- Show's over, Undyne, - I whispered and after that I sharply pulled the knife out just to keep walking foward.

My hate and anger were increasing with each second now. I can't let Chara die... I CAN'T.

But as soon as I heard how something behind me just dropped... I realised...

What am I doing?! I just... I just killed the monster! With my own hands! I didn't pass out this time or anything, I just... It was like my hate did this instead of me...



... I did the right thing. Undyne was in my way. I need to protect Chara.

My hate completely blinded my own mind, so I quickly forgot about Undyne's death by my own hands. All I cared about now was saving Chara.

Very soon I reached another elevator that got me somewhere upstairs this time. But this time this place looked already something fitting to the normal life. Instead of countless microchips on the walls and the floor - this place was built up by grey bricks covered with vines...

These vines are familiar to me... These alive vines can mean that Chara is still can be alive! I'm not too late!

I started to feel some hope that I can still save Chara and ruin Shifty's sick dreams, so I rushed foward. I tried to ran as fast as I could. And yet even in hurry I could notice a big town not so far away from me. I couldn't tell if it was abandoned or not, but it sure looked like it. It could be because Shifty killed every damn monster down here or just because it was some sort of... Ex-town where every monster lived before?

Finally I arrived at some... Corridor? Nice looking corridor that was brightly lited up because of lights of sun that was coming through big windows with beautiful golden parten on it. This place also had a big collums from both sides that supported the roof, but also these collums were covered with same familiar vines.

But suddenly I noticed something that made my hate dissapear in instant. Something that made my worries go down... I saw Chara that was standing right in the center of this corridor, but her expression... She didn't even looked foward, but just bowed her head with closed eyes.

But... Where is Shifty?

- CHARA! - I exclaimed happily. I managed to get here in time, - YOU'RE ALIVE!

But Chara didn't respond to me... And after a few seconds of silence she looked at me and that made me instantly lose my happiness.

She looked at me with cold, but red and full of hatred eyes...

- Why?

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