Shogun Shihan smiled cruelly. "There's our window," he said. "Since our bunes would get detected too easily, use the Red Seal Ships, since they are merchant vessels."

Some people in the room are clearly uncomfortable with the idea.

""'My liege, isn't that...dishonorable?'"" asked Daimyo Hiramoto of Idsuma.

"Honour? Some daimyo of old thought the Teppo, one of the most common weapons in our current arsenal, were dishonourable. That same daimyo fell at the battle of Nishinomiyako along with his Heavy Cavalry. Tell me, Hiramoto, can your perception of what's honourable and what's not honourable give us victory?"

"The wheels of time continue to spin, regardless of what we mortal men think. As it spins, technology moves on. If we stick to our old technologies and tactics, we will be run over, dishonorable tactics or not. Now tell me what else you know about Parpaldian tactics. Particularly about their naval landings."

""Yes my liege. They tend to start with extremely intense coastal bombardments to flatten any coastal defenses. They use aircraft to scout out any fortifications or batteries. Nothing on the surface would stand for long.""

King Shihan thought a bit, this too is a tough one to counter, that is until he realised something.

"What about underground? What if we turn the mountains into gigantic underground forts? Reinforce the underground tunnels with the best concrete we can make We are the Parpaldian's greatest concrete exporter after all."

The daimyos are unsure what to make of this, but fighting is a better alternative than slowly conceding rights to the Parpaldians.

"One last thing, order your smiths to produce more Bo-Hiya, we will need them if what I have in mind is going to work."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar October 26, 1639

Bay of Rebirth, Principality of Qua-Toyne

Villagers gathered around to watch as the strange, loud metal dragonfly-like object flew over the village. As the object landed slowly, the villagers felt a strong gust of wind. After the object touched down, a part of the object's belly opened up, revealing 6 men. Four of which appeared to be soldiers assigned to guard two other men.

Jonathan saw the emblem on the side of the object. Damn, this thing looks like something from the annals of time. Very similar to the symbol of the envoys, thought Jonathan

Jack came out and greeted the Americans. To Jonathan, the Americans seemed friendly enough. John greeted them with their own tongue, surprisingly or unsurprisingly, the Americans had no issue following, they seemed to speak an old dialect of the language, which is interesting.

Due to them arriving in the evening, the visit to the dome would be postponed until tomorrow morning. John would be hosting them for the night of course. Jonathan had developed a weird kind of curiosity towards the Americans due to their resemblance towards the Envoys of Freedom.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Ah yes, the relic we sent you," said Jack while taking back the old Envoy weapon. He wasn't expecting the Americans to bring it back, but they did.

"You are familiar with this aren't you? This old weapon?" John asked the Americans, trying to gauge their response.

"'It's an M1 Thompson Submachine Gun, based on what we know, it's a gun produced in 1942, well over 130 years ago,"" the American man who is called Franklin O' Toole told him.

130 years? That is extremely short compared to how much time has elapsed here, Jack thought. However, that begs the question...

"Do you know anything about the Envoys of Freedom?" Jack asked, trying to gauge their responses.

Summoning Poseidon: A New Americaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें