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       Luna Gracie WalkerChicago, Illinois1:26pm

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       Luna Gracie Walker
Chicago, Illinois

it's been a few months since the accident. the news of me not being able to have kids didn't change my but leg did heal and get better. so that's something at least. the people who i love have been taking care of me whenever needed and i am grateful for them.

going to the library was my getaway place. it was quiet and peaceful. i asked if elijah could drive me since i was still traumatized from the accident a few months back. he agreed to take me and he'd pick me up whenever and to just text him. it doesn't take long to get there anyways, only 10 minutes.

he dropped me off and i thank him. "i'll text you when to pick me up but i won't be to long" he nodded his head and told me to be safe.

i walked in and sat down taking out a book and reading it. that's when i seen a man walking over and sitting in front of me. i paid nothing of it as it was a public place and people can sit where they like.

"excuse me" the man said. his voice was low and deep. i looked up from my book.

"can i help you?" i set the book down and paid my focus on the man.

"you the reason why tyler died in the first place. you remember me?" the man's voice was bitter and it scared me knowing that he knew i killed one of his best buddies. tyler was in a gang and once his little friends knew i killed him, well it wasn't going to be pretty. my life is most definitely in danger.

"call your husband and tell him your not coming home tonight" he looked at my phone and let me know not to waste another second.

"okay" my breath was shaky and i picked up the phone.

"hey baby what's up. need me to come pick you up already?" his voice was cheerful and sweet.

"n-no i'm just calling to let you know i'm not coming home tonight. got to much on my mind"

"where you gonna go?"

"friends house. i'll stop by chrissys and let her know. just decided to call you first"

"okay honey. well be careful. love you" i told him I loved him to and hung up the call. the man got up and took me by my arm, leading me out the library. he threw me into the vehicle. 10 minutes had gone by and he parked right by a valley. it was getting dark.

marcus, or slim which is his street name opened my side of the door and threw me out.

"watch it!" i yelled at him. he kicked me in the face which caused me to yell out in pain. fuck! that hurt.

tyler never gave a shit about anybody why is slim assaulting me?

"you got something i want" marcus bent down in front of me.

"oh yeah? and what is that?" my tone was harsh and i was getting fed up with people holding me hostage.

"your kid. amanda" he stood right back up. "and you're gonna take me to her"

"no i can't do that. you'll hurt her"

"your right. because she's anthonys kid. he took everything from me!" he was obviously short tempered but he couldn't take my baby. amanda and elijah, kayla and chrissy are the only people i have left. i can't lose any of them.

"you're gonna do as i say, or i take away everyone you love. understood?" he raised an eyebrow. i nodded my head.

i'm getting myself into some serious shit...

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