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      Luna Gracie WalkerChicago, Illinois9:45am

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Luna Gracie Walker
Chicago, Illinois

it's been a week since me and elijah last had our encounter. kayla and chrissy already left an hour ago to back to their own homes. it was just me and amanda now. i wish my mama was here to see how beautiful her granddaughter was.

having a baby stops me from doing the things i used to do. i can't just go out somewhere and be gone for hours at a time, i needed to have babysitters if i was going to do that but i'm a mother now, it's time to take it easy and focus on me and the baby. she is my number one priority. i am responsible for her.

it was time to find myself a job. i have no idea who would watch my baby because i can't just leave her home alone that would be a terrible mother. i decided to call up kayla since me and her was very close and since she didn't mind watching amanda.

"okay thank you so much" i said into the phone.

"no problem girl i'd love to watch her. i know that you need to make some money to support the both of y'all" she disconnected the call and i waited until she got here. once she did i left and went out for an interview.

as i got in the car i started to drive to the interview I had that i had applied for a little while ago. i parked outside an alley way and as soon as i got out the car a horrid smell overcame me. instinctively i put my hand over my nose and mouth as i tried to find out where it was coming from.

i found a dead body in the alley and screamed. i wanted to see who it was and gasped as who i saw. cameron was lying dead on the floor in a pool of blood. who the hell would kill him? just then I'm heard a gun cock back and immediately knew i was fucked.

shit! this is where i die.

"turn around" i heard a familiar voice say. my heart dropped. it was tylers voice and he had a gun pointed at my head. i slowly turn around with my hand up and see a crazy look on his face.

"tyler please put the gun down" i said in a calm voice. inside i was nervous as hell because i couldn't die now! not today.

"heard you gotta kid now" he said raising the gun higher. i nodded slowly.

"what's her name?" tyler cocked his head to the side.

"amanda" i said nervously with my eyes shut tight.

"you named ha after yo own mother?" he chuckled. "she don't deserve a mother like you. that's why i killed her daddy" anger started to rise and my adrenaline started to pump.

"see that dead body behind you?" the gun was now pointed at him. "he's dead because he was finna snitch on me and now look where that got him. you want that to be you?"

"please you don't have to do this. just put the fun down" i was pleading for my life just like the man that night as i was walking to the store. now i knew what it was like to be in his situation.

"it won't be that easy. how do i know you won't just go and tell me i held you at gun point while you begged for your life? it ain't that easy"

"i have a daughter. i don't need her growing up in a orphanage just please don't kill me i'll do anything"

"anything huh?" he said with a smile. i nodded. he gave me an order to take this gun and shoot elijah in the back of the head with it since he found out about me and him.

he told me to call him to this alley and once he turned his back on me i would raise the gun up to his head and shoot him, killing him.

"if you want to live then you have to do that"

"if i get caught... then i go to jail" i say as i took the gun from him and called elijah.

"not my problem. go ahead and tell him to meet you here" this was all so crazy. was i seriously about to kill another human being?

moments later elijah came but i couldn't shoot him. instead, i decided to shoot tyler.

"what's up baby?" he gave me a smile as he walked up to me.

"get beside me. i'm finna somebody" his eyes widened but he did as i said. tyler was hiding behind something so he could see the whole thing so i walked up to where he was and raised the gun up to him. he realized what was going on and he screamed, as i shot him dead in the head. I took elijahs hand and the both of us sprinted outta there.

fuck the interview, i'm going straight home!

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