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    Luna Gracie WalkerChicago, Illinois2:42pm

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Luna Gracie Walker
Chicago, Illinois

its been a few weeks since my mothers passing. we had a funeral arranged for her and buried her in the ground. even through its not what she wanted i couldn't bear the thought my own mama being burned to ashes.

this morning i woke up feeling sick. i rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. i figured i was drunk as kayla threw a party the night before and i drank a lot. anthony walked in brushing his teeth.

"woah you sick again?" he asked me looking down at me.

"you see me throwing up right? i'm sure it's from drinking last night at your sisters party" he shrugged.

"just don't get it on me. i don't need to be getting sick" he shook his head i rolled my eyes.

"keep irritating me and i just might" i wiped my mouth and out mouthwash in to have fresh minty breath.

"do that and ima kill you for real" he spit into the sink and rinsed his mouth with the water. i felt sick for the rest of the day. what kinda hangover is this? i laid in bed and held my head as i still felt a sickening feeling.

anthony walked out the bathroom and saw me laying down. "baby i need you to do a favor for me" i still laid down, to sick to move.

"what is it?" my voice was groggy and dry.

"i need you to pee in this cup for me. it's for a drug test" he handed me a small cup to pee in and i got up, taking it from his hands.

"fine. i'll be spending my day in the bathroom anyways since i feel like shit" i sat over the toilet and put the cup under me for me to pee in. i thought it was ridiculous peeing in a cup so anthony could pass the drug test but i'd do anything for him.

he walked in. "damn your pee loud as fuck"

"shut up or i'll flush it down the toilet and make you take it yo damn self" he threw his hands up and his eyes widened.

"my bad baby. it's just so loud" he walked out laughing. that man was really testing my patience. after i was done i washed my hands and gave the mini pee cup to him.

he thanked me and drove off to give it to the doctor for him to test. 15 minutes later he called me.

"umm babe are you pregnant?" he asked. i raised my eyebrows.

"what? no i'm not pregnant why you asking me that?" could that be the reason i've been feeling sick this morning?

"because the doctor started questioning my gender and saying the test came back that i was pregnant but you took the test"

i laughed into the phone and shook my head. "there's no way i'm pregnant. i'm to young i can't be having a kid now"

"well the tests don't lie, luna. it says your pregnant but i'm on my way home and we'll talk about it more"

"pick me up a pregnancy test when you pass a store please. i need to be sure" he sighed into the phone and agreed. i thanked him and hung up the phone.

there's no way i'm pregnant. i can't be!

anthony arrived home and handed me the test. i rushed to the bathroom and peed on the stick. now all i have to do is wait a few minutes and see.

the test results came back positive. yep, i was indeed pregnant. i showed anthony and he smiled, hugging and kissing me.

"No anthony! we can't be excited. i'm to young for a kid i still have a full life ahead of me. i can't raise a kid now" i was panicking at this point.

anthony called me down but have a human growing inside me scared me. but now i had to make sure that i couldn't be doing the things i have been for awhile. drinking, smoking, partying. now i had to take it easy.

i'm sure i'll grow to love on this baby.

after all, it is a part of me and anthony...

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