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   Luna Gracie WalkerChicago, Illinois3:30pm

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Luna Gracie Walker
Chicago, Illinois

me and my mama decided to plan chrissy a little party with just the family to make her feel better. it's been hard for her ever since she found out her mama was diagnosed with alzheimer's so i decided to make her feel better.

"you think she'll like this mama?" i asked. i didn't want chrissy to think that i'm doing to much. my intentions are good so hopefully she will see that to.

"baby, you're doing a nice thing for her. i'm sure she'll love it. you should know" my mama replied. it was true, i should know. i know chrissy like the back of my hand so i'm sure she won't mind. i just can't lose another friend.

it's almost time for the party. it starts at 5pm and i told chrissy told come a little past that time and surprise her. i really hope she loves it. we also invited her mama to, crystal, so my mama and her mama can catch up since they good friends from way back when.

the door opened and we saw chrissy and her mama hand in hand walking through. my heart pounded and felt a little dizzy from being nervous. my mama had her phone out recording they reaction.

chrissy cried with joy when she figured out what this was. even crystal brought her hand to her face and cried happy tears.

so far so good...

"do you love it, chris?" my arm rested on her arm softly. she nodded with delight and her eyes were glossy from crying. crystal and my mama talked in the kitchen and caught up with one another. it felt so good to know she didn't forget my mama and loved it.

it was just just the four of us but it was good to see our moms catching up with each other. it's been 3 years since they last seen each other and i couldn't be happier.

chrissy and i embraced into a hug and we got to talking about everything going on in each other's lives and checking up on each other, mentally. even though we may be all smiles and laughs, you never know what's going on in a real persons head and seeing how they really is.

just then chrissy phone buzzed. it was anthony.

"it's for you" chrissy said for me. for me? why is he calling for me? i took the phone from her and walked into the other room.

"anthony? whats wrong why are you calling chrissys phone?"

"luna, baby, i'm so sorry to do this to you. i won't be able to see you for a month. i did something bad and now the police are out for my arrest. i'm going to jial, my love. i love you" the call disconnected.

tears streamed down my face in a quick motion. how many times was he going to break my heart like this? he must love going to jail, huh? prolly got a side bitch in there locked up still since he keep going back.

walking to the bathroom, i wiped my face and retouched my makeup. i couldn't let anyone see that i was crying and make it about me. this is for chrissy and her mama crystal.

i got down the steps to join the others and handed chrissy her phone back.

"so what did he want?" chrissy asked me. i hated lying to chrissy but i had to tell the truth anyways.

"he's going to jail again, chris. he did something illegal and now the police have a warrant out for his arrest"

"oh my god, luna. are you for real?"

yea, girl why wouldn't i be?

"i'm for real" i wiped another tear away. "but i can't let your mama and mines see me like this. i'm so sorry"

"oh girl hush that talk. you got none to be sorry 'bout. it ain't yo fault" she took my hand and stroked her with against it. it felt good to have some comfort.

"he just always finding a way to make me cry. we still together but... i hate being like this wit him"

"y'all are so cute to. he'll be out soon enough girl. just keep doing your thing and hope for the best" she gave me a soft smile. she always knew the right thing to say to me. she really is my soulmate and i love her.

i just have so many mixed emotions about this...

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