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  Luna Gracie WalkerChicago, Illinois 10:57pm

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  Luna Gracie Walker
Chicago, Illinois

i've come to realize that just because life has put you through shit that you think you can't handle, everything works out in the end because god makes sure that he always has a plan for you and life ends up getting better in the end. no more tears, heartbreaks, or worries. we may lose our love ones on the journey but it only makes us stronger. fear is just another reason to keep trying and getting past the shit you've been put through.

it was my daughter amandas second birthday. me and elijah have been married for a year now and life couldn't get better. everyone we was close with came to the party and we all wished her a happy birthday and sang the song. she clapped her hands and looked all around her family members. seeing her happy made my heart rejoice.

"blow out your candles, baby" i said taking a video of her blowing the candles out on the cake. everyone cheered and clapped their hands together.

"first piece goes to the birthday girl!" elijah said cutting a slice of cake and putting it on her plate. everyone was so happy and seeing everyone like that was a dream come true. it was like nothing could get in our way now.

after the party everyone left and me and elijah cleaned up after everybody. we moved out of mr and anthonys old house and moved into a place that was just as nice. there was no way i could stay there, not after all the memories being made there.

it was a little past amandas bed time so i put her back in her crib for her to fall asleep. me and elijah got our pjs on and went to bed.

today was a good day and i wish for many more to come...

in the morning i made breakfast for the three of us. me and anthony didn't want to have kid yet, we was still been married for a year but later on we might have one more and be done. i know i'll be. once we was all done eating i decided to take amanda out for shopping and buying her more cute clothes. after buying a few things for amanda i decided that it was time to go home and check out.

as i walked to the car i put amanda in her car seat in the back and got in the drivers seat so i could get home. elijah was already there waiting for me at home and the three of us would be together again.

the door creaked open as i walked in. elijah came down the stairs and kissed me on the cheek, picking up amanda and kissing hers. since it was later on in the day and also dinner time i decided to cook up some food making elijahs favorite dish, meatloaf with a side of mash potatoes.

"oou that smells delicious baby" elijah said. she came up from behind me hugging my waist, kissing my neck.

"thank you handsome. it'll be ready in 5 minutes" i looked back at him and kissed him on the lips. he slapped my ass before walking away and i finished up dinner which was now ready to serve. i made everyone a plate and sat them down in front of elijah and amanda.

everything looks perfect!

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