78. Asher

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I hate the Russians.

"Zoo you bald fuck, let me out of here so i can kill you." I bang my fists on the door again.

The motherfuckers crashed into my car and drugged me, woke up in Arabella's old room.

"Shut up." One of them sneers.

I keep banging on the door until i can't be bothered anymore and then walk to the window.

It's morning now, the sun beaming and the old barn house bright red in the sun.

I look behind it to see the one and only Roman walking up with no back up, just him, his guns, and his confidence.

I bang on the window, i've already tried breaking it but it's reinforced glasses.

He looks up, smiles and nods his head and then raises his gun and shoots two people.

I keep away from the door, grabbing a lamp and smashing the ceramic base to create a sharp point.

I hear the gunshots and commotion downstairs and then the doors open, Luca walking in, "Hello, Arabella is worried sick... literally... sick."

I knew she would be.

He ushers me out of the bedroom and i glance off the balcony. Roman overkills too much.

"Well thanks man, didn't know you cared so much." I walk down the stairs.

Roman looks at me, "I don't i'm doing it for my love." He kicks some guy in the face, "You two head home."

"And leave you with six dead Russians?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Just leave them, Roman. Arabella wants us all home." Luca looks around, "Come on."

Roman takes a second to think and then nods his head, "I haven't killed in a long time." He starts walking toward the door.

"Didn't you kill someone last week?" Could have swore he killed an old school teacher of him that had a personal vendetta, when they seen him in Italy, he flipped.

"Too long."

The door opens and thankfully, we were alone, we get into the car and Luca drives us off, playing fucking Taylor Swift. I know he enjoys her music. And it's not even for Arabella's sake. Luca is genuinely a swiftie.

"Arabella hasn't ate." Roman inputs from the back seat, "Stop to get something."

Luca pulls into a drive thru, orders more food than we need, and then drives home.

Arabella was sitting on the doorstep when we returned, bless her she looked so pale and sick.

She seen the car and stood up immediately, hand on the rails, she walks down the steps on wobbly legs

"She looks really sick." Luca says quietly.

"Doesn't she?" Roman opens the door, a face full of worry on.

I open the door and she looked so relieved whenever she seen me.

Running up immediately and hugging me tightly. "Hey, come on pretty girl, i'm okay." I rub her back.

She cries into my chest. "I was so worried."

"I know baby." I kiss her head, "Won't get rid of me that easy."

"Arabella, let's go inside." Roman says, carrying food.

She lets go of me, but grabs my hand and tugs on it.

I follow her into the house, into the kitchen where Roman was setting the food on the island.

He gives her a worried look, "Arabella?"

"I'm fine." She waits for me to sit down, then sits on top of me.

"Your nose is bleeding." He grabs some of the napkins.

I turn her to face me and she had red dripping from her nose, she must have been so stressed.

I take the napkins off Roman and help clean her nose up, leaving a small stain of red on her cupid's bow.

"Clean it properly after you ate, love." Roman sits down, unwrapping the food he knows she likes.

She only took a few small bites of the breakfast meal, a few sips on the milkshake, didn't even look at the dessert.

That carried on for two weeks, where she was barely eating, clinging onto us every chance she got, she wasn't her usual, happy self.

She seemed depressed but refused to talk to anyone. Cried silently alone at night and got angry when we asked her about it.

I walk into my room, seeing she was curled up, asleep on the bed.

I leave the door open and walk into Luca's room, he and Roman were having a discussion about Arabella. "Going to take her to the doctors office." Roman says to me, "I think it's stress."

Luca runs his hand across the length of his face. "She's ate barely one meal."

We buy her all of her favourite foods, Roman even cooks for her and she'll take two bites before saying she isn't hungry and going to do something else.

"She won't even go to the ducks." I input.

Yeah, she refuses to acknowledge them.

"I'll call Juliana around too, maybe call Valentina and Rosa?" Roman looks at Luca.

"They're in Hawai'i at the moment." He sits on the edge of his bed, head in his hands, "Maybe Gwendoline. She acts like this since i got hurt."

"I'll call her too, where is she?" Roman asks me.

"Sleeping in my bed."

He leaves the room, Luca looks at me, "Whyd you have to go and get yourself kidnapped?"

I slap his head jokingly, "She'll be fine."

"I'm joining y'all tonight." He gets up, not asking.

I nod my head and we walk back into the bedroom, Roman was wiping makeup off her face with a makeup wipe.

She was still asleep.

"Wanna stay?" I ask.

"No, nightmares are getting worse." He mumbles.

"You should talk to the doctors too." Luca kicks his shoes off.

"Funny, Armani." He kisses her head, "I'll get her an appointment before twelve."

He leaves, Luca and i muddle up beside Arabella, one either side of her. Her eyes open a little, flicking to Luca and I, "One of you was smoking." She turns onto her side, facing Luca.

"Sorry, baby." I smoke when i'm stressed. She's stressed me out, and the Triad being a dick to us about my mother. I should have killed her but Arabella says no.

"Hold me." She mumbles, nuzzling her face into Luca's neck. "Love you both."

y'all she ain't pregnant

word count: 1043

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