62. Arabella

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I woke up with Romans head between my legs.

I smile, ruffling my hands in his hair, "Good morning." I close my eyes again, letting him eat me out.

He only stops after i've come, raising his head with his chin a little wet. "Good morning." He smiles, leaning over me and wrapping around me like he usually does when he decides to hold me.

"How was your trip?"

"Good." He groans, "I need to wake you up like that more often."

"You do." I look at his pretty blonde hair, "Where's the others?"

"You're staying up here with me while the builders are downstairs." He rolls onto his side so he can see me. "Talking."


"Asher told me something." He bends his elbow, holding his face up with his hand and then rests his other hand on my chest. "About a baby."

Asher Reid is a traitor.

"It's nothing, i just... okay, there was a cute little boy at the doctors office and he came to sit with me and i just..." I sigh, "I wanna be a mom one day, but i don't wanna be a mom if, at the age of eighteen, my child's going to be a murderer."

He keeps his hand where my heart is, "You don't want kids because you don't want them to take my place?"

I look at his face, "I don't want kids because i don't want them to be a constant target. My brothers started working for papa as soon as they could walk. I remember Marco telling me stories about how he'd sit and watch papa kill people. I don't want to put my kids through that."

"I'm not completely fucked in the head, Arabella. I don't let kids watch the shit i do."

"Would you ever stop?" I'm asking too much.

He takes a breath, "I'd have to make sure everyone i've ever offended is dead before i do."

"How many people is that?"

"You don't want to know."

"See, your enemies are my enemies, and then will be my kids enemies."

"My enemies are my enemies, anybody tries hurting you, i'll kill them." He looks into my eyes, "Asher said you want his kids too."

"Oh my god, Asher's so fake." I groan, closing my eyes.

"I'm not mad. I'll give you that privilege, Arabella. If you don't want my kids but you want one of theirs, go ahead."

I look at him.


"I'm not gonna make you have my babies if you don't love me. I..." He closes his mouth, clears his throat, "I uhm... i hated growing up with parents resenting each other. I would never put my own child through that."

I keep calm even though i wanted to ask more about his childhood.

"I would never do that to you, Roman. You're my husband-"

"But you don't love me like one." He says, and he was hurt. "You do love them. If you ever want to, the option is there, love. And, if those fucks ever had a child, we'd all raise it." He shrugs.

"Has there been a situation where that has occurred before?"

He nods his head, "Girl got pregnant, we were all fucking her, she was a stripper, drug addict as well, so she lost the baby, but before we knew she miscarried, we all agreed no matter who the child belonged too, we'd all raise it."

I smile, "Do you know how weird it sounds that mafia men have a soft spot for children."

"Asher and I had shitty childhoods, Luca witnessed too many things and lost too many people when he was a child. We've known each other since we were children, we're best friends, we all want children but we'd never subject them to this while they're still a child." He balls his fist and keeps it rested on my chest, "It fucks people up."

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