27. Arabella

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Roman carried me up to the top of the penthouse, back on the bed where i first kissed Asher. "Where's your change of clothes?" He pokes the pillows behind my back.

"Car." I blink, my vision blurring. It has been since the elevator. It's surprising i stayed cool long enough to pull off my little provoking scary men look.

"Fuck." He holds his earpiece. "Vincent i need backup, straight to the penthouse room, bring Arabella's bag."

"Boss, it's the Wolfe's." Vincent said through my little ear piece gadget. "And there's a fuck ton of them."

"Ash lock the door." Roman shouts.

He gets up and leaves me for a couple of minutes before returning with a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. He helps me out of my dress, basically does all the work while changing me.

"Who's the Wolfes?" I ask.

"Opposing gang, my up-comers." He holds a wet, cold flannel to my head. "And i pissed their leader off."

"Of course you did." I smile.

"So they're after you. I didn't think they would have attacked so early." He kneels.

Asher and Luca start to walk up the stairs with some of their men, and a really pretty girl. "What the fuck Luca, this isn't a fucking safe haven." Roman curses when he sees the girl.

"Cry me a river, Reign." Luca looks at me, "Arabella, this is my sister Rosa."

"Hi." I wave, slightly delirious.

"There's four men stationed on this floor, Roman we need to talk plan. They'll be safe. Rosa will take care of her." Luca pushes his sister forward.

She sits on the bed, checking my pulse. "Don't think it's that serious." I say to her, and she cracks a smile.

"I'll be back, i promise." Roman kisses my cheek.

I let him run off with the guys as the men spread out across the floor, all holding massive guns.

"You're so hot, in like the attractive way." Rosa says to me and i laugh. "Seriously, i know why all three of them are falling at your feet" She starts wiping the sweat off me again, "How much did you drink?"

"Bit. Asher caught me before i drank the rest." I smile, closing my eyes.

She disappears for a few seconds but returns with a cold bottle of water. "Not drugged, i promise. Just got it from the mini fridge."

She holds it to my lips and i end up downing half of the bottle before realising how thirsty i am. "It should fade off soon."

She lets me close my eyes for what i felt like two minutes, but when my eyes open, it's dark outside. "How long was i out for?" I ask.

"Couple hours..." She holds the drink to my lips again, "The guys told me to let you rest."

"Are they okay?"

"Fine." She looks to one of the men protecting us, then covers my body with hers as if she's protecting me from him. "I've been awake this entire time, red head keeps giving you weird looks." She whispers.

I look over, when my eyes meet the eyes of the red head, he looks away instantly.

Just then a loud crash emerges from the en-suite.

Rosa and i look at each other but don't get a chance to do anything because we're scooped up by two guards, carrying us down the stairs.

"Roman." One shouts, and Roman walks out of the room.

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